Paramedic Guide

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Table of contents:
  1. Introduction
  2. Finding the hospital
  3. Becoming a paramedic
  4. On the job
  5. Mentality

1. Introduction

Welcome to the paramedic guide. In this guide, you will learn everything you need to know about becoming a paramedic, roleplaying as a paramedic, becoming familiar with your surroundings whilst developing your skills and mentality as a paramedic and a person in general.

The paramedic job is the second most popular job after Police Officer- however, in many cases, being a paramedic is "better" than being a Police Officer. Being a paramedic means that you can (usually) do your job and earn a paycheck to feed your family without always being in danger, furthermore- you also have the ability to save lives which may be coming to the end.

Being a paramedic is more than driving around in a fancy ambulance and healing people for $500- it is about saving the lives of many people and trying your best to be a good person. I am going to teach you all you need to embark and develop as a paramedic.


2. Finding the hospital

First of all, you need to be able to find the hospital- this is a problem which many new players/people find a problem due to the 'large' map and lack of knowledge about the map. The hospital is the place in which all critical patients are transported (ic). Furthermore, this is where you can apply to become a paramedic after having years of training beforehand.

You start down at the City Hall:

From the city hall, you must navigate yourself to the hospital:

You do this by walking past the Police Department:

Then proceed over the Overpass:


3. Becoming a paramedic

Congratulations! You have made it thus far to become a paramedic of Paralake city! The next step to becoming a paramedic is to find the correct receptionist and take an application form (if not done already) to become a paramedic.

Firstly, you will need to find this man/woman at the reception:

The next step is to talk to this person (by pressing E on them). This will take you to a menu that looks something like this:

You need to say to the woman (or click):


This will take you to a menu in which you must navigate to where you are able to take an exam in order to become a paramedic. Unfortunately- the questions for the exam change often therefore I cannot show this in this guide- nor would I be able to due to already being fit for becoming a paramedic.

You must get ALL answers correct in the exam which you take, if you do not- you will not pass the exam. It is your job to read the rules & laws.


4. On the job

Congratulations! If you have moved onto this section, you are now a paramedic! If you have not noticed, the receptionist has spoken to the hospital staff and have granted you various different items such as:


The use of the defibrillator is to revive people who have been knocked unconscious. This can be used to restart the person's heart by sending an "electric pulse" to the heart- acting somewhat like pacemakers which control the heart's contractions and expansions which pump blood around the entire body enabling the body to function (aka it gets people up if they aren't dead).


The use of the health-kit is various. The main function of the health kit/first aid kit is to supply blood to the person who has been injured which is made using the green gel of the kit. Furthermore, inside the health kit/first aid kit there are bandages to tighten wounds, scissors/needles/threads to stitch up a wound and various other equipment.

DNA Scanner:

The DNA scanner has one primary function- to collect the DNA of a person who has been knocked unconscious or has been killed and finds any DNA from the suspect and then cross matches it with a database to release the identity of the people. The DNA which is collected can vary- whether it be skin cells, fingerprints, hair, etc. Use this and report your findings to police.


The body remover has one function- and one function only, to remove bodies when the person is deceased. To use this, you need to transport the person a LARGE AMBULANCE (vise-versa) and use the body remover. This will put the person into the back of the ambulance- you will be rewarded $250 for doing this.

Now then, you are aware of the equipment you have. Now we will move onto your call outs when you are on duty. Whether you are in the hospital with a large ambulance or patrolling with a first responder, you must always respond to calls by other units across the city and/or from panics and life-alerts.

When you do receive a call out, you must hop in your ambulance and drive straight to the scene. When you are arrive on the scene, you must examine the person and the wounds they have and act accordingly (if they are unconscious), you must take out your defibrillators and charge them 4 times (by pressing right click 4 times) and then press the defibrillators against the person's chest and activate the defibrillators. Depending on how badly injured the person is, you may need to repeat this process once more, or you may need to repeat it four more times. Once you have successfully saved the person from near-death, you must use your health-kit/first-aid-kit to treat the person depending on their wounds.

If you are called to a panic or a raid, you must always wait until the area of which the panic/raid taking place is cleared by the police force otherwise you would be endangering your own life although you are not a threat.

Once the area is secured by the police force, you will be called in to aid any of the people who have been injured, whether they are a victim, suspect or an ally- you must treat them all to the fullest of your ability.

If people who you have tried your best to treat have become deceased, you must take the person's body back to the ambulance and DNA scan them. You must then (IC) report the name of the victim and suspect to the police for them to handle. You must then put the person into your ambulance using the body-remover, it is as simple as.

When you are on the job, you need to be quick to respond to calls. You will receive many calls just as officers do meaning you need to get to each of them and help as many people as you can. If you are too slow, you will risk that person's life and never forget that if you were a bit faster, you would have saved a precious life.


5. Mentality

The most important thing about being a paramedic is having mental stability and having the correct thoughts at the specific time. If you are responding to calls, you must act in the present, not in the past. You may worry about the consequences to make you more urgent about reaching the sight to save a life but you must not allow your possible past problems or failures cloud you next actions.

Furthermore, you must be sharp and have the ability to respond to calls quickly and effectively. If you do not do this (as said above) you will risk that person's life and never forget that if you were a bit faster, you would have saved a precious life.

You also cannot be a paramedic if you are arrogant and rude, you need to give the impression that you would want if you were in the same position as a person you are attempting to save. You want to be able to positively reinforce the person you are helping, giving them positive thoughts and help them know that they will be fine as long as they are alert and listening to your voice and following your actions. This links to have you must be very affirmative and informative about your actions, whether it be through your words or through your voice.

Lastly, you need patience and you need to have some respect for the people around you and the situation at hand, just like all others (IC).

This has been Version 1 of the Paramedic guide, expect updates in the future.


Thanks for reading,
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United Kingdom
Brilliant work Zan, this should show those pesky sweatervests who can't revive people, better yet. It's approved by Lewis Love :]
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