Pepper Spray

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Topic: Pepper spray for police

Short explanation (in notes):
- Should stop some shootouts i will put why is desc
- Police have them in real life and its not as op as taser would be.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...): Now before you go " NO POLICE WOULD ABUSE IT" this is the thing it will have limited spray and will need refilling. Also this should stop some shootouts so you all have most probably had this sit where there's a officer being punched or stabbed he takes out night stick person still does not comply so he takes out a gun this should stop that instead he would take out the pepper spray and sprays him then arrests (if he can). Now reason i'm saying if he can is due to if person gets pepper sprayed is because person will have very low visibility but he can still jog ( SHIFT not ALT) so he can still escape but most probably wont know where he is going. Now what about gang hideouts/Shootouts? Officer could just run in spray threw the door and bam everyone is sprayed this is my little idea how to stop that, you have to be standing right next to the person for it to work and since it is a shootout he would be breaking 2.1 3.4 anyway due to its pepper spray vs bullets.

Edit: Pepper spray effect should only last 30 seconds-1 min

Optional additions:
Add this to speed enforcement mainly so they do have some sort of defence.
Only have enough spray (ammo) for 5-10 seconds of spraying.
Can only get refill from npc at front desk at police station.
Nice idea, but wouldn't some kind of taser fit the situation the same? Being if they pull out a gun, the officer is allowed to use the taser? As the pepper spray would have very very limited range in real life.
If anyone says "this would be abused", would you prefer getting shot in the face by a gun for punching an Officer or just a blurred screen for 1-5 minutes? +Support as cops might finally stop shooting where a night stick could be used.
In my opinion police should have all the nonlethal tools of incapacitating someone, to reduce the amount of times guns are drawn. I like this, and hope to see it tested out. And yes yadda yadda yadda we need rules about abuse, but to be honest abuse isn't a concern since police carry Guns after all.

I really do like the idea of pepper spray, but why for the police only?
Maybe it could be added for a high price so everyone can use it, self-defense for poor people?
It can also be taken as an illegal item, since it can harm people.

Full +support on the addition of Speed Enforcement having pepper spray.

EDIT: The pepper spray and fillings should be crafted so it's less easy to abuse since they have to have the skill.
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I really do like the idea of pepper spray, but why for the police only?
Maybe it could be added for a high price so everyone can use it, self-defense for poor people?
It can also be taken as an illegal item, since it can harm people.

Full +support on the addition of Speed Enforcement having pepper spray.

Doesn't even have to be illegal if found on the person? Maybe just makes it against server rules if used randomly.
+Support i would love to actually stun someone instead of insta killing them then going to jail because of murder..
if any officer were to be issued pepper spray, it should be the Speed Enforcer in my personal opinion.
I like this idea, it stops officers from taking their pistols out immediatly and it always ends with shots fired. Its not overpowerd like the taser and police officers from all over the world use it. Defenetly a +SUPPORT from me.

I feel this would be an awesome addition to the server. Not only will it add some realism, but it will add a self defence tactic that will not be lethal to the player. At the minute, the cops just repeatedly smack you with their baton, eventually leading to your deaths, however with pepper spray this would not be the case.
Very good idea pepper stray is designed to desorientate a target within its range but police are careful to use it as anything including officers on the wrong end of this can be effected. It also causes a burning sensation meaning that the target can be in pain and be visually impaired.
Mabbeh add the screaming sounds from hl2 when you get sprayed too? Just for the reAlism. Also when a person uses peppers pray to mug police still have a notification if it's added as a craftable.
Just going to put this out there quickly without giving my opinion yet. In order for us to even remotely add this we would need both a first person model and a third person model. As generally speaking I'm fine with us having a missing model for some things (like body remover), but not any sort of weapon. So if someone knows how to model + create proper UV maps, I would like to hear from you. Start a new conversation with me.
Alright, if a guy with a knife charges at me I will pull out my gun and shoot him in the face, regardless of me having pepperspray. Why? Because it would be the realistic thing to do. There's always a possibility of the guy charging not to get affected by the pepperspray (drugs, adrenaline..) then he keeps charging at me and and fucking stabs me to death. It would work on the server, sure, but it would be unrealistic. I am sure every country teaches cops to combat lethal force with lethal force to ensure their own safety. And if someone punches me I take out my baton and smash it into his face a couple of times.
I think it would be a good idea because it would be another non-lethal way of dealing with a situation and would add realism.

+ support
Also maybe a canister that one SWAT can trade their main weapon for them that has longer effects they can throw? Basically a more powerful flash bang but only one unit can have it and they lose their rifle/shotgun for it? I don't know just an idea.
I haven 't seen a proper model that could be used for a pepper spray yet. I doubt anyone in this community can make a special model for this. If anyone finds a good model for it and if Stephen or Fredy can code it, it would be nice to see as long as there are rules with it like with the fire extinguisher where you can't spam it on other players or something.
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