perp is broken, change my mind

No mate thats just ESP in action.

EDIT: This is a joke btw, its worth noting that you're using a gun thats literally 4 foot long and its probably easy to see the barrel sticking out
I would've shown my pov but I just found out I haven't been recording for the past few days.

It was a fast kill, but not that fast.
i know, im not blaming him, he could have heard where i was shooting from 3 miles away
he definitely knew my position, but he said himself he didn't prefire me, but it surely looked like it on my screen
why did it not cuff you and why did it not kill you that i shot you in the face

he said he saw me for 1.5 seconds before he shot me, and on my screen it looks like he walks around the corner and shoots me in the face

cc: @Synatec
Peekers advantage; if you peek and are further from the corner than the dude you're peeking, you see him before he does.