PERPHeads Language Club

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Hello friends,

A large number of us in this community are able to speak, or are learning, several different languages. Obviously English is the dominant language of this community but I'm always interested to see the range of languages that people can see. The purpose of this thread is to bring together those interested in foreign languages and perhaps to give each other some new connections.

I speak English fluently (native) as well as German and Spanish to a reasonable level, yet I'm sad to say that my skills in both are declining at the moment. I'm also looking to pick up French in the future.

And what about you?
I speak finnish(native), english(good-ish), german(poorly, only studied for 6 years) and swedish(mediocre).
Ma srpski bre jezik je najbolji, sto se lazemo?

Excellent! i might require your services for kebab removal my friend. Serbia stronk!

for three years i had french and german compulsory. i like german since its easy to learn because its very similar to the dutch language. after three years i chose to drop french because too fucking difficult. after 3 years i learned fuck all because my teacher was garbage too. i didnt really want to learn an extra language but i chose german because im currently doing higher education and if i want to do pre-university (highest in high school) you are required to study a foreign language.

if you want to know how good i’m at those languages, id say my german is reasonably good on a level where i have no issues with a fluent & basic-normal conversation when im in germany. i also never failed a dutch test apart from like 1-2 you couldn’t study for. i also never failed an english test :D
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Danish ofc, English ofc, norwegian i can understand pretty good (raided in a norwegian guild for a little while in wow) and I can understand decent german but bad at speaking it xDDDD
I am learning Japanese so I can be just like my idols; Ken-sama and Davido-kun.
This is also so I can watch all my anime without needing subtitles and so I can eventually move to Japan and live out the weeaboo dream.


Estoy aprendiendo español en la escuela. No soy muy bueno xd
Ich spreche ebenfalls Deutsch als Muttersprache.
Additionally, I have a strong command of the English language aswell. Some people say I don't speak with a German accent at all.
Pretty good with my German, my sisters new boyfriend is from Stuttgart so I've been having some convos with him, nothing too complicated though.
I went to a Welsh first language Primary and Secondary school but chose to do Maths, Physics, Biology and Chemistry in English. Was pretty much the Third Reich ... we had assembly's about the welsh language and how it's not dying. Also we were not allowed to speak English in school, if you were caught you'd get detention on your break.

@Glacial_Subzero and @John Daymon can confirm I am also fluent in spanish.


I'm fluent in Welsh, English and Wenglish. But i do know some words in German, French and Spanish.
I speak english, and russian.

I also failed spanish 4 times in a row because our class was filled with disabled children who threw airplanes and thought there were rats in the room @ItsAquaaHD
I can speak in sign language.

in all seriousness, i can speak English, Serbian, Spanish and i am currently learning French.