Perpheads MC Factions - 1.13.2 | Join now!

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Welcome to perpheads MC Factions!

Because why not

IP: (or - Will be live 24/7 )


You probably know the concept of Factions, but for those who don't, the point is to work together with your team
to build the strongest base, create the best weapons and raid others.

Current factions:
#FreeSerbia said:
Owned by: @Wiki
Members: @Aquaa;
Accepting: ?

Who will be your teammates:
would you wish to accept randoms for balancing purposes:

The server has permissions, default players have essentials like TP, sethome, setwarp , tpaccept and some niche stuff like nickname editing
if you dont behave like a retard you may recieve elevated privileges
Right now it's time to build your team and base; wars will begin shortly afterwards; probably when most people are registered and online.



dont be a retard
if anyone wishes to suggest a rule please do so

If you wish for a plugin be added, just ask; and i'll probably drop it in
Current plugin list:
Craftbukkit 1.13.2 said:
- Essentials
- Vault
- Factions
- WorldEdit
- Multiverse
- Treegravity
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Thanks for hosting it for us, big ups sneaky for being able to host something for like every game we ask :)

Btw im administrating this shit so no saying the n word on the server :angery:
i better recieve some diamonds in my inventory for this
For nerds like @Dr. Dräjj the server is cracked; so get a childhood already and download a cracked client.
Name: forgot it pretty sure it’s JRW_TV
Who will be your teammates: don’t have any
would you wish to accept randoms for balancing purposes: yes
We’re probably gonna be on and grinding this shit today bc its friday, I encourage everyone to hop on and start their own factions so we can have some friendly PvP :)