physgun alternative for non vips v2

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Description of the idea: Be able to freeze props clicking R? while grabbing props with your fist.

Why should this be added? (pros): New players have a massive disadvantage when trying to defend their drugs. It really is just pay to play because of the physgun. I'm pretty sure this demotivates new players because it's necessary to have premium to properly play the game.

What negatives could this have? (cons): less demand for premium

*Other additions: If you have a better idea for this, reply this.
In fairness, as much as I like this, I understand this is why users purchase VIP and is the only way perp earns money so I doubt it gets added
In fairness, as much as I like this, I understand this is why users purchase VIP and is the only way perp earns money so I doubt it gets added
Physgun will still be superior, building a defence without it would still be annoying af. Also there are many other great reason why people should buy vip, like cars, 2 planters, increased paycheck, police vehicle slots etc...
If this motivates newer players it might increase the playerbase a bit and will increase the amount of vips.
New players receive 2 days of free Premium when they join for the first time.

As your suggestion is only mentioning new players, would this only be a thing for them then? or?

If something like this should be done, would it not be better to just give them a physgun? and if so, what could we add for Premium then?
They do get a free trial and you can just make a report and have a staff member come a freeze your props anyway so it’s not a huge disadvantage I wouldn’t say it’s pay to play as you do it’s more convenient to have your own phys gun but it’s not impossible to play without
New players receive 2 days of free Premium when they join for the first time.

As your suggestion is only mentioning new players, would this only be a thing for them then? or?

If something like thois shuld be done, would it not be better to just give them a physgun? and if so, what could we add for Premium then?
After those 2 days they eventually need to get premium anyways if they want to continue basing like they used to do in those free trial days. They will probably realise those props that they've bought are useless if you cant freeze them.
You may determine if it should be for new players or for everyone.

They do get a free trial and you can just make a report and have a staff member come a freeze your props anyway so it’s not a huge disadvantage I wouldn’t say it’s pay to play as you do it’s more convenient to have your own phys gun but it’s not impossible to play without
I'm pretty sure it's a pain in the ass for admins to spend time freezing props, that time could also be used better.

I would also like to mention that the physgun is the only thing that effects players gameplay. the rest of the features are only additions on the gameplay that don't necessarily effect the gameplay.
With the 2 days of free VIP players get it's not that hard to grow 70k worth of drugs. They can invest this in buying VIP. The longer you play the game the more convenient it gets. That's the way games work and that's what it makes it to play. New players can already enjoy more advantages and protection then they used to have let’s say 3 years ago. I think the VIP system is fair as it is.
With the 2 days of free VIP players get it's not that hard to grow 70k worth of drugs. They can invest this in buying VIP. The longer you play the game the more convenient it gets. That's the way games work and that's what it makes it to play. New players can already enjoy more advantages and protection then they used to have let’s say 3 years ago. I think the VIP system is fair as it is.
You do kinda need to keep into consideration that they are new to the server, meaning they only have basic planter and also weed seeds as that is what they start with too so within two days it would be fairly difficult for an inexperienced player. Once you know what you're doing with the right stuff then yeah it is easy.
I think that it should always remain an exclusive to premium players only to have control of your props, else there wouldn't be much encouragement to buy premium as a physgun is one of the main things you need to build defences properly.
Premium exists to differentiate from non premium. New players already get free premium for 5 days which is more than enough time to get 70k to get premium for the following month.
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