---PLEASE CLOSE THIS--- [AR] Just Myself - RDM (unarmed, public)

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Austria, Vienna
Your Steam/In-game Name: MUCKYNEGGER ᕦ (ò_ó) ᕤ / Adour Mikoyan

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Just Myself / Drake Fernesto

His/Her SteamID:

Why Should This Player Be Punished?:
Randomly shot me in public in the middle of the bazaar parking / business shops crosswalk.
The closest rule I consider is excessive negativity.
2.5 Excessive Negativity- Generally speaking, players are not allowed to excessively negatively affect the experiences of other players while playing on the server. For example, destroying a number of valuable items in a store should only be done under certain circumstances, and more so as a last resort; specifically, reasons such as product prices, a ‘basic’ distaste towards someone within the store, grossly disproportionate methods to quell competition, etc, are not typically acceptable.
Me and two of my orgmembers were heading over to the business shops area (for whatever reason, Drake Fernesto would not have known that we had weapons on us nor that we were about to harm him -- IF THAT WAS OUR INTENTION AT ALL).

He told me to get out of there (I did not pose ANY threat to him, the whole time), and a very few seconds later he just shot me. Considering it was in public aswell, he had the chance to already run off and get himself to a safer location. No need to shoot off all pedestrians that come across his way.

Evidence (Demo Required): http://demo.ovh.eu/de/a520dd97da66d2e9ff33f4bc12b01eca/

37000 - Arming ourselves up with some concealed weaponry
37900 - Until he pulled his AK and startened with his threats by this tick, everything looked clear before. Also notice us not beeing any threat to him.
37970 - Hes shooting me, and finally, killing me.

What was his plan? Shoot all three approaching pedestrians because they are walking by?

// Small side note:
When I reviewed the demo I couldn't hear Drake talk anything (tick 37900), even though he DID tell me to get out of there. But anyway, shooting me like literally 2 seconds after the verbal warning is just not reasonable.
It seems like @Just Myself was in the middle of a big shootout and you were there, it seems like after he told you to leave as you had seen all of what happened that you did not do what he said under gunpoint causing him to have to shoot you.

This is just what it looks like to me, I will take a look at the demo later and see what else I can view from it.
[DOUBLEPOST=1453757078,1453756858][/DOUBLEPOST]@Marxxman_ (on phone) I never said he can just shoot innocent bystanders, he told them to leave and then after they did not he then shot them.
What happened was as you can tell in the video, I had just had dealt with shooting a load of raiders of my store. I was mid way through disposing the bodies and I saw you guys approaching!
I clearly said for you to step away and you went to reach for your gun in your pocket, this could of all been avoided if you'd just walked the opposite way and not try and push your luck with someone who points an AK at you.

If you're worrying about my escape/getaway I owned the store right next to it and I later on clearly explained to the police it was an attempted raid.


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@Marxxman_ said:
Now that I actually see your point of view, Just Myself, I understand completely. Mucky, why would you and your guys try and kill him whilst at gunpoint as well as the fact that you know he's already been in a shootout so he'd be rather agitated? My apologies, Just Myself.

Are you kidding me? Honestly, I've never tried to pull a weapon or kill him. I was just really surprised and didn't expect him to pull out a gun. Other way: Tell me why wouldn't we (me and my orgmembers) just walk up with our guns to him? We were 3 armed people. And also, I remain to my statement: he shot me 2 seconds after he gave me the warning. I had no chance to even react so quickly.

The thing was we didnt see the corpses nor did we see he had an AK on his back.
Because why would I walk up to somebody with an AK on his back...


This is a single post that should be seperated since its been put together from the double-merged stuff, anyway there we go:

Funny, very funny... (not really)
I replayed the video of Drake 5 times.

Now I saw that my orgmember pulled a gun infront of my back, you tried to shoot him and not me.
You ALMOST killed me, the last shot that got me was the other orgmember with the deagle in fact.

This proves Drake shot me in an attempt to kill the guy behind me.


Very embarrassing to say, but I was wrong in this, my accusations are out of place.

I'm sorry for any trouble that has come up by this and got to say thanks Drake for
- your honesty
- your video
- your patience

My final words: thanks retards (regarding my orgmembers) and

You can close this action request as its obvious by now that I was wrong with this.
Seems to have been quite a big misunderstanding and bad view from me.

Have a nice day...
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