PLPD - Discussion

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So recently I have been thinking about the PLPD. Some concerns that have been brought up around me are how complex the PD currently is in some terms.

Before I begin, a vote to revert has already happened, therefore that would really be out of the question. What I'm hoping to achieve from this thread is: What does the community think should happen to fix the complexity (Divisions etc).

I believe that my opinion was voiced about complexity and what should happen. This is something I will not reveal due to confidentiality.

Things I think should be discussed here are:
  • Divisions
  • Promotions(?) - At the moment they are very simple, so unless more ideas arise, not much to discuss.
  • The seriousness of the PD - By this, I mean, When you break a policy etc. Understandable for gross misconduct, but it generally concerns (Minor)Misconduct.
More ideas that you guys could think of.

A general idea as to why I'm posting this has been stated.

P.S: If this has already been discussed, feel free to close, delete etc. I have searched for a discussion, but they didn't exactly cover the whole of the PD, Only certain divisions.
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A restructure is already on its way, and it will include changing every aspect of the PD, so we have less unneeded administrative positions, also moving stuff ingame.

A big issue that we have had for years are that the Commanding Officer of each division do as they want, resulting in bad changes that are not good for the future. This re structure will include a permanent PD structure, and when change is needed it will have to be planned and approved on the highest level.
I assume this will get announced to command nearer the date, listing the changes, so they can prepare?
I don't expect you to know all details, maybe @Collier or @Momo could let command members know VIA Slack?
I don’t deal with information sharing so I have no idea. But I would assume people who are affected will be informed before the big announcement. But then again, no one wants to give away info without making sure everything is 100%. Something like this will take time, it requires a lot of coding.
It would be good to see a move away from entirely and replaced with maybe an easier to use in-game system as well as more checks and balances in place to avoid having people in roles that have no idea how to enforce the most basic laws out there. Also, I think there are a lot of command members that just don't care at all they're not there to create a good experience for everyone and just want to feel somewhat powerful by holding a high rank. When it comes to the seriousness of the PD some people really need to make their minds up either there is policy that is followed to the letter or there isn't not just some half-assed poorly written policies which are only applied in unwritten circumstances.
Getting rid of PLPD.Online would cause more issues than it would solve, from what I understand. How would whitelists work? It needs to have direct access to the database for ranks, roles etc.
you don't need to have a website to have a database...
@LilChicken I know that, But the ease of access from PLPD. Online makes it easier rather than having it based in-game, Not to mention how the code has been written. You're talking about most/all code being re-written, something I don't think @Samuel would like...
@Jimmy Jackson It just means a lot of command can sit in TS and just do PLPD stuff online without having to go in game and interact with people which honestly does suit some command members. And just get someone else to do it I guess

@A1L this is not what the community voted on. Activity requirements were removed from Sgt and below to allow them to go inactive without being demoted. Command needs to stay active to control their divisions.
@LilChicken In regards to Command members not in-game, They have a lot of work atm. Patrol and RTU Command have the most out of all divisions. I have to fill in a spreadsheet with every CPL+'s Observation reports, grade them, comment on them and then decide a course of action. Then I need to go through Senior Officer applications etc as Peach is quite busy atm. That activity policy was crossed out for the time being until everything is sorted. has been a bad idea from the start tbh it just kills the server and when the pandemic is over we'll go back to seeing the effects of command members being inactive and the PD being unbearably unable to follow their own rules
@Jimmy Jackson You could just not, its not like ORs matter anyway they're not listened to at all and command still promote based on personal preference
@LilChicken " when the pandemic is over we'll go back to seeing the effects of command members being inactive " A lot of command members have school, University, work etc, We can't dedicate every single day to helping people, doing work etc. I took a long break from PERP to sort my education out, whilst I was command, yet nothing was said. If you are really reliant on command to help you, then you really haven't tried the Chain Of Command.

Ask a senior first, then a corporal, then a sergeant/staff sergeant then the command.

Not sure what you mean by " PD being unbearably unable to follow their own rules ". At the end of the day, Command have lives. If they dedicate most of their time to perp, then they'd just not talk to family.

I know for one, Once this pandemic is over, Most of my attention will be moved from PERP/PLPD to GCSE Exams etc, Unless of course, you'd like me to sit on PERP For 6-8 hours answering 'False ticket' calls from yourself?
@LilChicken Your comment about this
You could just not, its not like ORs matter anyway they're not listened to at all and command still promote based on personal preference
is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. We use OR's during promotions and then determine to promote or not to promote them. Yes, we do give opinions about them in meetings in case we have spotted something that is of concern. However, slandering command saying we promote based on favouritism is just pure idiocy.
@Jimmy Jackson It's completely true you're the idiot for not recognising it. You're one of the command members which is a major problem tbf and I'll just edit this message because this will be the last I say on the matter because you seem to not actually want comments on the PD despite making a thread asking for comments on the PD which is very strange. But command clearly ignore ORs at least when I was a cpl they did but I doubt you've changed anything. And if you're saying you can't manage GCSEs and command positions then resign GCSEs really aren't that hard nor are they that big of a deal
@LilChicken I have sat in all but 1 General Operations Meeting and All Patrol meetings, we look at the persons OR's, Record, ETC. What proof do you have of Command promoting by preference? Of Course I'd like comments about the PD, But coming up with allegations without proof is something you have clearly done.

If an issue arises with my activity and Peach/McGlinchy is concerned, then I will talk to them, GCSE's may not have been hard for you, but it will be for me, Considering I have missed nearly a whole year of proper teaching due to this, and there are no plans to drop grade boundaries, not to mention, our Maths teacher was gone for nearly a whole year.
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