PLPD opinion

At peak times, it's too easy for the PD and it's not fun for anybody in my opinion. Crims have to resign themselves to fighting a nearly impossible battle or to zerg making life for the defenders not fun. For the officers, especially the rank and file, you rarely get the chance to actually get into a proper shootout.

It's hard to propose a solution though and we may not even want to change too much, as the balance of power between the PD and criminals is very delicate. There's others factors at play such as higher skill, communication, coordination and the fabled AK all in favour of the raiders. Presumably we would also want certain officers tasked with lower level crimes.

Maybe we should just take the direct action of reducing slots by 5-10%, but that seems inelegant. Maybe reduce the number of TFOs allowed to gear up at any one time. The way I see it, the balance of power at peak times is unfair for the raiders but at a lower player count, it's slightly unfair to fair for the PD. I think at this point, it is undeniable that there is a problem, but it probably does not need much to fix.

To add to the conversation, do you guys agree with the sentiment that cops are too strong only at peak times? Would addressing just that particular issue fix the dynamic between the cops and robbers or would it require a solution that encompasses the entire range of timezones, even at a lower player count?
Maybe we should just take the direct action of reducing slots by 5-10%, but that seems inelegant. Maybe reduce the number of TFOs allowed to gear up at any one time. The way I see it, the balance of power at peak times is unfair for the raiders but at a lower player count, it's slightly unfair to fair for the PD. I think at this point, it is undeniable that there is a problem, but it probably does not need much to fix.

Pretty sure the slots and TFU slots were reduced not too long ago. Max slots I believe are 20

Pretty sure the slots and TFU slots were reduced not too long ago. Max slots I believe are 20

Ngl the changes sindaring said are pretty trash.
With the RTFO update i agree,but not with the TFO nerf,the TFO limits depending on the online is crazy. 60+ players and only 3 TFOs are a big advantage to the crims.
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Ngl the changes sindaring said are pretty trash.
With the RTFO update i agree,but not with the TFO nerf,the TFO limits depending on the online is crazy. 60+ players and only 3 TFOs are a big advantage to the crims.

Thank you for your opinion.
At peak times, it's too easy for the PD and it's not fun for anybody in my opinion. Crims have to resign themselves to fighting a nearly impossible battle or to zerg making life for the defenders not fun. For the officers, especially the rank and file, you rarely get the chance to actually get into a proper shootout.

It's hard to propose a solution though and we may not even want to change too much, as the balance of power between the PD and criminals is very delicate. There's others factors at play such as higher skill, communication, coordination and the fabled AK all in favour of the raiders. Presumably we would also want certain officers tasked with lower level crimes.

Maybe we should just take the direct action of reducing slots by 5-10%, but that seems inelegant. Maybe reduce the number of TFOs allowed to gear up at any one time. The way I see it, the balance of power at peak times is unfair for the raiders but at a lower player count, it's slightly unfair to fair for the PD. I think at this point, it is undeniable that there is a problem, but it probably does not need much to fix.

To add to the conversation, do you guys agree with the sentiment that cops are too strong only at peak times? Would addressing just that particular issue fix the dynamic between the cops and robbers or would it require a solution that encompasses the entire range of timezones, even at a lower player count?
Tbh this is true on the Times I've been on pd I've said literal shit like potential flanks, look out for this area etc and they would rather run like monkeys getting their next banana. Like dudes will listen to when u are actually dead and can't do anything. Like I've seen the most embarrassing flanks happen like how are you getting flanked from side door in slums like hold a parameter or something if you don't want to take intuitive just raid atp
No matter what someone says nothing is 1 going to change, 2 people will always complain, U have PD corner camping to get RTFO gear when they do standard pistol cop behaviour, blocking the way, the slot that could go to someone actually useful however saying this some RTFO's are good (I'm also not that good but I admit that), However you have the other side of the pond of zergs bum rushing you to the point where you want to rip your hair out, and call them all some not so savoury things, Like last few weeks been playing other games because you cant escape it, your underpowered when your a solo raider as u 9/10 u get pistol cops or u have a zerg come and rock your shit in 2 seconds with 5 bombs 4 Scars and 3 AK's.

The fact is on the PD side of things we have idiots that basically beg you to go in gear which I get they can do but they never spend that time to practice and it just becomes a waisted slot that is pointless, again I can admit I'm shit 9/10 but I don't just 9/10 run in head first, and on the other hand you have orgs that rhyme with supremacy that while have some good people in there, some members are just toxic and it's not fun when you have people in your ear doing stupid shit then trying to deal with 9 people that can actually aim. and then when all is said and done they act toxic in LOOC because there thought process is to belittle people as much as possible, and if you don't play ball you get IA'ed to fuck and back, so its just easier to take the abuse at that point however its not just them you have vault corp that stay in bazaar shops when there wanted and because they have 1900000 people around that get a discount so you will be domed on sight.

Then we get the stupidest supervisor situations that could be delt with easier by sending an IA, you have people that act like actual Karen's which then makes you want to go grab a shotgun and Kurt Cobain yourself because you have dumbass officers not recording anything / have CIV's just being a bother and causing so many issues that you just wonder how did you get to this point.

End of this long ass rant is this
TLDR - Nobody's going to be happy, some people's whole identity is to be toxic mf's and 9/10 the PD's on fire because people don't do things and listen
Single most updated feature of PERP (Fredy said this before you kill me btw)

Effectiveness of PLPD depends on the collective amount of brain cells currently on duty. This also counts for criminals.

I'd describe my own experience within the PLPD but it's a long drama story I don't want to bring up for something idiotic on both ends. All you need to know is that I have a permanent note from someone particular that doesn't like me telling anyone that reads it not to promote me above Senior Officer after 2 years of TFU Command.

In terms of balance I'd say it is pretty okay. TFU have armour but crim have AK (and a lot of other stuff that's more effective than armour) and I legit don't mean this because it's a meme. The issue within raids is usually with lack of manpower on either side when one can overwhelm the other quite easy for example on a low population server or one side getting cocky during a raid.

There have been some questionable tactics deployed by PLPD in the popping the tyres of bank robber vehicles (or even impounding them), prop blocking stuff with barricades like bank doors but criminals can play just as dirty. Both aren't immune to the rules as one might have guessed.

PLPD can be quite fun if you don't take it serious and do normal patrols and give everyone a fair treatment and/or punishment for their behaviour. I always tend to go easier on criminals who comply with their jailing process instead of those who scream and delay the process further. Even more fun if you have a buddy you know who is just as chill that is on patrol with you.

TFTO is also pretty fun and I imagine other trainer jobs for positions in the PLPD are too. Everyone is pretty fun to work with and since I have something like a trainer position IRL it was pretty easy to get into and how it works. Just try it once, it's pretty nice.
Single most updated feature of PERP (Fredy said this before you kill me btw)

Effectiveness of PLPD depends on the collective amount of brain cells currently on duty. This also counts for criminals.

I'd describe my own experience within the PLPD but it's a long drama story I don't want to bring up for something idiotic on both ends. All you need to know is that I have a permanent note from someone particular that doesn't like me telling anyone that reads it not to promote me above Senior Officer after 2 years of TFU Command.

In terms of balance I'd say it is pretty okay. TFU have armour but crim have AK (and a lot of other stuff that's more effective than armour) and I legit don't mean this because it's a meme. The issue within raids is usually with lack of manpower on either side when one can overwhelm the other quite easy for example on a low population server or one side getting cocky during a raid.

There have been some questionable tactics deployed by PLPD in the popping the tyres of bank robber vehicles (or even impounding them), prop blocking stuff with barricades like bank doors but criminals can play just as dirty. Both aren't immune to the rules as one might have guessed.

PLPD can be quite fun if you don't take it serious and do normal patrols and give everyone a fair treatment and/or punishment for their behaviour. I always tend to go easier on criminals who comply with their jailing process instead of those who scream and delay the process further. Even more fun if you have a buddy you know who is just as chill that is on patrol with you.

TFTO is also pretty fun and I imagine other trainer jobsfor positions in the PLPD are too. Everyone is pretty fun to work with and since I have something like a trainer position IRL it was pretty easy to get into and how it works. Just try it once, it's pretty nice.

I mean too be fair when the collective braincells are about 1 half trying to split off by mitosis but failing its kinda dumb, some tactics i don't stand by and I personally think that its a reprimandable offence, thats just my opinion however if ur with ppl its great
Single most updated feature of PERP (Fredy said this before you kill me btw)

Effectiveness of PLPD depends on the collective amount of brain cells currently on duty. This also counts for criminals.

I'd describe my own experience within the PLPD but it's a long drama story I don't want to bring up for something idiotic on both ends. All you need to know is that I have a permanent note from someone particular that doesn't like me telling anyone that reads it not to promote me above Senior Officer after 2 years of TFU Command.

In terms of balance I'd say it is pretty okay. TFU have armour but crim have AK (and a lot of other stuff that's more effective than armour) and I legit don't mean this because it's a meme. The issue within raids is usually with lack of manpower on either side when one can overwhelm the other quite easy for example on a low population server or one side getting cocky during a raid.

There have been some questionable tactics deployed by PLPD in the popping the tyres of bank robber vehicles (or even impounding them), prop blocking stuff with barricades like bank doors but criminals can play just as dirty. Both aren't immune to the rules as one might have guessed.

PLPD can be quite fun if you don't take it serious and do normal patrols and give everyone a fair treatment and/or punishment for their behaviour. I always tend to go easier on criminals who comply with their jailing process instead of those who scream and delay the process further. Even more fun if you have a buddy you know who is just as chill that is on patrol with you.

TFTO is also pretty fun and I imagine other trainer jobs for positions in the PLPD are too. Everyone is pretty fun to work with and since I have something like a trainer position IRL it was pretty easy to get into and how it works. Just try it once, it's pretty nice.
This is very true however some cops don't take the initiative they either are too aggressive with the fact they will focus on one are and just be lazy and will wait until a situation escalates to barbarically respond, so much situations, flanks etc are preventable if you just set that 1 extra perimeter up, that one bother of instead of talking to your friends assist the officer but officers just see it as a easy way to pvp without losing anything. Like dudes are getting aggressive but will just not think its like beginner level ai they will see someone die for the 50th time and instead of thinking "I'm not gonna do that" they just go anyways like they're fucking rambo.

However some officers are also too passive in which they just sit back and do nothing like they are fearful of dying, yes it might come contradictory to the previous point but with right levels of agresion and actually being bothered things would be so much easier and you wouldn't get flanked in the stupidest ways the other day I was playing officer and we had a really good dispatch and he was giving callouts, providing accurate data, redistributing officers and we was all communicating. However without dispatch it would of just been a dude rushing and then dying for the 900th time, people don't communicate and they're either scared of dying or just don't care, and I think that's the issue with plpd being people lack zero initiative or coordination and they would rather sheepishly run after the next guy like they're in some legacy montage, criminal is getting easier with people just being sluggish and sloppy Ik I shouldn't be on a tangent about this but like plpd have such advantage where criminals should genuinely have to come up with plans not just we barricade In raided apartment and we have 1 guy flank and kill everyone.

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