PLPD - Patrol

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
I know this is RTU related but maybe just change the default colour options unmarked vehicles get. Matte is a dead giveaway at this point and so is having a purple Audi RS4 Avant which can be spotted from miles away.

For Patrol some quality of life changes would be nice but the only thing I can think of would be this:
Beeing able to remove barricades from other officers if they're not nearby with alt+e (fists are fucky and you randomly let go when grabbing them).
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@Samuel is this something that could be introduced, but perhaps work if the officer has left the area for some time, they despawn?

Deleted member 4116

Civs should be able to pick them up with their fist as well, makes no sense why we can't anymore.
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Because there’s 2 chiefs maybe? 2 out of like 300 officers getting access to special equipment doesn’t disbalance anything.
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Make the model of RTU unmarked car change every few months. Have like 10 vehicles rigged up to work as RTU unmarked cars and have 2 of them put into service every month or possibly even weekly.
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They were unnecessary. A large portion of having a choice of PD sidearm is how good the sights are. Putting a red dot sight on all the pistols would remove that aspect of choosing a service pistol. You’d just end up always choosing the pistol with the highest capacity or the most damage.
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Give us an actual reason to stay in the patrol division other than the minimal effort it takes to join RTU. As RTU you get faster cars and access to a larger array of them, as well as a speed camera that literally can log number plates. On top of this, more useful equipment like smaller barricades are exclusive to RTU. Also in patrol you’ll get stuck in a section with 50 other users whilst RTU sections are smaller and easier to manage.

Maybe an arsenal revamp exclusive to patrol officers could suffice? Like Maybe make RTU officers have to achieve 1+ rank for a firearm and give them the old firearm progression system, like RTU Corporals get the P99 at Corporal instead of at senior? But taking away from RTU should only be the case if a fair compromise for RTU can’t be made.

Maybe give patrol some new cars or access to nicer equipment?

Changing from RTU to patrol should be like how it is for real life officers changing from a patrol officer to a traffic / highway enforcement officer. The Highway patrol would receive different equipment for dealing with road traffic scenarios whilst patrol officers would usually be better armed and equipped for urban patrols.
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@Samuel Patrol have been asking for exclusive vehicles since I led it, more cars is what the people want. Where is the Transit van?
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United Kingdom
A review will be conducted in May on if we are to bring training sessions back, the more support like you have shown today will increase the chances. Thank you for your suggestion.
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United Kingdom
Thank you Benji, I will be putting together a lengthy document with proposed changes and future plans and will be putting forward to SMT and on approval will be looking to make all that information public record. The information you have provided will assist greatly in my document.
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United Kingdom
As much as I like the idea, it has been tested on the live server and proven to be a bad decision. Unfortunately,I doubt this would happen anytime soon.
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United Kingdom
I like the idea of being able to remove barricades but I believe this is something that would have to be restricted to rank like Senior or Corporal.
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In my opinion, Patrol needs some actual roleplay and real work to do. Right now, RTU and TFU are taking the lead with their better weaponry and or vehicles. A discussion, a meeting, between all the heads needs to take place for everything to get better. It's not about weapons and it's not about vehicles, each division should be equipped with the necessary tools to deal with their line of work. Right now, RTU is exactly the same as Patrol bar their occasional campaign and better service vehicles.

Patrol should be equipped for everything, I may be in the minority in saying this, but TFU should be hardly seen, and the fact that they are seen constantly is bad. There shouldn't be shootouts every two seconds, and TFU shouldn't be needed in every scenario, but that's just my opinion and who am I to take the fun out of the server for other people. Patrol needs training to be equipped and ready for shootouts, TFU should be deployed occasionally in, I hope, the rare chance patrol is unable to quell the threat. As an ex-RTU main I also think RTU should stick to traffic and not get involved in shootouts and other non-traffic related crimes unless absolutely necessary but with the state of the server I doubt that is possible too.

Patrol campaigns are so easy to think of. Drugs, for example. A drug campaign to prevent drug crime, have drug-crime officers, who are usually more laid back and committed to preventing drug crime which nine times out of ten leads to the loss of life and limb, and is a gateway to crime that requires TFU assistance. The drug campaign, if people roleplayed to the standard that is expected of them in a serious roleplay server, could be designed to limit or nitpick major drug spots and known criminals. Take the equipment away from the smaller fish and sentence the bigger fish to smash the drug ring into pieces. This provides an incentive to stay in patrol and gives characters who are roleplaying as criminals some more interaction with the law, make it harder, more interesting. Not everything is an excuse to left mouse button people!!!

Other campaigns could be safeguarding paramedics, always being on scene when a paramedic is needed should it be required due to recent events, etc. There is a lot of creative freedom here and a lot of cool stuff can happen. The staff update which involves actual roleplay events should help us out a shit ton. We're already seeing a change of attitude since said update, and I'm starting to enjoy the server again because of it.

People would rather kill another human being than lose their money on this "serious" roleplay server, which is ridiculous, and I don't have all the answers but that is some of the suggestions I have in mind. Without roleplay, patrol is useless, and is just a pit for new officers to sit in before they go to RTU or TFU unless for whatever reason unknown to myself, they want to stick with Patrol. Definitely suggest each division gets together to look at the bigger picture and communicate with one another, we're all under the same umbrella here, we should be working together. The second a shootout is called you have everyone rushing over, TFU included when it shouldn't be necessary for them to deploy.

I always saw TFU as this elite division that has incredibly high standards and if you ever saw them, you knew shit was going down. That isn't the case, TFU bar a few really good eggs, of which I am friends with, just sit there waiting to LMB some people and it isn't a great image for the division or the server, some of them make zero attempts to roleplay. I want to see TFU stacking up against a door with some roleplayers inside, roleplaying a scenario, and not just strafing trying to win a gunfight.

To cut it short:
- Patrol needs campaigns and roleplay.
- Each division should get together to help each other improve; TFU deployment, RTU traffic related crime limit.
- Standards should be high.
- Better equip the Patrol division so we can patrol, and be equipped with the knowledge and tools to deal with each scenario.

I needed to get these grievances and suggestions off of my chest, and it shouldn't be taken as a personal jab or insult. I literally just want to see everyone improve, because I for one enjoy serious roleplay, and I know others do too. Not everyone flagged off of cop is a criminal waiting to do illegal things, that mindset is extremely toxic and just solidifies the cop vs robbers mentality. We're the players, we have the most pull, we should be improving our experiences not ruining them. Thanks for reading.
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United Kingdom
Thank you for spending the time to write so a long an constructive response to my thread. I agree with most of the points you have made. I completely agree with Patrol being a form of middle ground and once you start to rank up through the PD you either go to RTU and go main RTU or TFU or both, if you look at RTU as its the second main Gen Ops division, everyone is in either Patrol or RTU. Patrol has higher numbers however has fewer Corporals and Sergeants and only 2 people with Command, myself, and Double J (LT of Patrol). The numbers clearly don't lie and back up your argument and the argument I have been making about Patrol being a starter position and doesn't really attract people looking to progress. You aren't the only person to mention campaigns and this is something that will happen in the near future plans are already in the works. "Right now, RTU is exactly the same as Patrol bar their occasional campaign and better service vehicles. " - that statement says a lot and from this thread, it is clear it has been this way for a long time and very little is being done. One of the previous heads of Patrol mentioned about getting extra equipment to Patrol however never happened. This thread has been extremely useful as responses like your own have identified areas that need to be addressed and responses from others have allowed me to see where the bottleneck is. Thanks again for the response!
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The first thing I noticed back in 2017 about the proposed implementation of RTU was that it was a direct upgrade from patrol. 3 years later and there is still no incentive to stay in patrol, and that is depressing.