It's always brilliant to look back on our progress as a department, and of course we still are improving with each policy change, each addition to the game, each change in management. We've still got a long way to go, but we think we're at a good point currently.
The department isn't complicated, honestly.
It may seem that way to somebody who hasn't experienced it before, but isnt that the same for everything? We didn't all walk into this server with our eyes closed did we? We learn as we experience, and I feel that the department offers an extremely lengthy amount of resources which help newcomers understand what it is we exactly do.
The new PLPD Online (hopefully coming this year) will try to involve even non-PD members a little more, allowing them to view certain resources, information and public announcements, rather than being shut off like they currently are.
I feel the department offers an extremely good amount of stuff to do past the normal PERP environment (drugs and raiding), we people reason to stick around and actually do something. Yes, it is annoying when you aren't getting noticed (we're working on this) but I feel like the PD offers pretty much what you put in, the more you work, the more you get recognised.