Police Ranks

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Police Ranks

Short explanation (in notes):
Ranks for police officers.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
The idea is something i have seen before on another PERP server (that one is closed now), and it really seemed to add some good and more experienced policeRP. The basic idea is adding a leveling system for the police, that the more hours you have on the job, the higher rank you are. And also the high rank you have, the better equipment you get. And ofcourse higher ranking officers have more authority.

For exampel:

0-5 Hours, Recruit, Tickets
5-10 Hours, Constable, Something
10-25 Hours, Senior Constable, Road Spikes
25-50 Hours, Sergeant, Taser
50> Hours, Lieutenant, Remington.

(This is just an examepl)

Optional additions:

See: RL. Would be cool if the skin change (stars or something else on the uniform) when you get a better rank.

But i think you have to work longer. Play two days as police officer: (most time i play 2-5 hours when im home) Next rank. It should be harder to get the rank. In germany, many police officers still have after like 15 years working still the first or second rank.
I think there should be a schooling for officers, before they can become police officer. But then they should be able to become police officer everytime. We could do like shifts.

Oh god, i know writed to much stuff ^^
Yea, that's pretty nice, now new players as Police officers wont put random road spikes on roads, but will it count people, that have played police for long time? Or they must play as Police officers from start, AGAIN.
Anyway I hope that idea will get accepted.
It's a nice idea, however, there would be a major increase in drawbacks. Firstly it would be a huge struggle for certain officer's as they'd be restriced when it would come to responding to calls or helping other officer's with certain situations. Example: (Following the first Constable idea) The constable is one of the few officer's that aren't currently at a scene, he's asked to place road spikes down to help the other officer in a pursuit of his. However, this restriction stops him from doing that, therefore limiting him to what he can do and also allowing the criminal to get away.

My other worry about this is that as newer people join the server, they're going to find the first few hours of being a cop quite tendious and boring, there wont be much for them to do as they will have plenty of restrictions. This will probably lead to them either leaving the server or just walking around with nothing to do, which is obviously what we dont want here.

There are some parts of this idea that I like, however, I feel that it would be a hassle when it would come to roleplaying as a cop.

Thanks for the suggestion anyway!
https://perpheads.com/threads/police-ugrade.3806/#post-36896 (Still open)

Isn't this pretty much the same, only buying it which i find it a better alternative than playtime. How about you need a certain amount of time played before you can buy a rank etc. onwards so people won't grow drugs in order to get better police equipment which i can actually see happening on Perpheads.

Also as Tomiko said, would people with alot of playtime end up starting from scratch?
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