Posters and Signs

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Deleted member 2538


Topic: Posters and Signs

Short explanation (in notes):
- Add Posters that can be customized
- Add Signs that can be custiomized

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
You've seen it, walking around and you see the statue that says "Gangsta Base" and under it $192912. This should add a bit more ease and realism since you would not display your base or shop with an item that costs thousands and says the name of the shop. This would also be easier for people to do instead of buying a cash register and something to sell. Posters could be a great way to promote your shop without having to spend countless money or spam adverts. Also, adding on to my realism point, its not very realistic to have a flying text over a statue or a bottle of metal polish that states your point.

Optional additions:
- Posters can be taken down by law enforcers.
- Posters are prohibited in some areas
- A customize screen comes up when you place a poster/sign
Hey guys, just to say. I DID check the forum for this before posting and nothing came up so yeah..
Generally I would like to see this, but I am not sure how you mean this should exactly look like, are you able to put pictures in it or is it just text with the possibility of editing it (e.g. changing text font or color). +support from me. This would look very realistic and would be better than some random item with a text hovering above it.

(/me expects the old rating train)
I thought I saw something like this before probably not but whatever. I see your point back in evocity when I ran the Private Transport Co I was almost banned for this because my sign was outside and said "Taxi Rank" I would love to see diversity in the design of signs, posters, billboards and more ways of advertisement.

IRL you can rent billboards and signs a system like this can be added in, they can be bought in the bank and customised there just like business signs.
I would definitely want this in PERPHeads. Now some people are saying it can be used for abuse with custom messages, but what about at bazaar shops? They can do it there in the text for the shop description. I think adding posters and signs would be a good addition, however you could literally just put an image in movie maker that you have made, set it to last like 10 hours or something and upload it to youtube, then put it on a tv. However, I do want a realism of signs and posters being added as it is more realistic than having pictures on TV screens.
A big +Support from me.
ALDI will take over the poster industry by displaying cheap folding chairs and boxes of 50 PG Tips Tea Bags for $1 instead of $102449!
For the sign they will be good I support this because for like accept from killing the mayor protest in the city hall.
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