Potatage 2.5 - A cause for concern

@Dan being called a cheater doesnt mean good. Your aim in these videos is dogshit. Overaiming the wall just shows how shit your aim is as any decent player would aim head level where they can see but you aim for toes hoping recoil takes you to the chest. Go train your aim on CS and stop chatting absolute shit. Nobody thinks you're a good shooter if you were you'd show clips raiding moon rather than using cop just to get free guns. How can someone think they're that good when their aim is that bad and ask me 24/7 how do you stop getting 1 sprayed up in shootouts from people with rifles. Moon's 10x the player you'll ever be cop main.
shut up kid ur just cocky because ur balls dropped 1cm and u put ur gay eyes everywhere cuz u got spots on the rest of ur face :)
The fact megdantheslanderman is getting all you israeli's salty is the funniest shit.

Lets be honest here dan is the most easy to roast person i've ever came across and you are all getting flamed.
