Honestly going to get rated dumb but oh well.
Main quote going into this from @yuck
"plpd.online will be disabled for the duration of this trial, any and all policies and procedures are void during this time. "
Internal Affairs wasn't around in 2014 and this "trail" is trying to create that scenario again, so why would IA enforce policies after the trail is over that is an unfair representation of what the server would be like if this was to happen on a permanent base.
Just don't understand the logic, all division have been closed down during the trail and people shouldn't be liable from a PLPD perspective during the trail only a rule perspective.
I can understand the frustration of when a Command member is acting like an idiot as
@Samantha stated " especially when we have PD command running around acting like fucking retards, getting themselves blacklisted" this isn't right but if you are trying to give a trail of a system used back in 2014 then how is it fair to belittle the PD that we currently have today, divisions like IA work so well because of the white list we have place, removing it (what would happen if u went back to this version of the PD) their wouldn't be that accountability just the type of accountability that has been enforced all week by staff not via IA. I simply think its wrong for IA to enforce policies that have been breached by members of the PLPD this week as it defeats the purpose of the event in my option. The purpose of this event in my option is to see how PERPHEADS functions with a non white listed PD, WITH NO DIVISIONS , stating people should still be punished for their actions when these systems are back is just absolutely stupid.
@nutrient10 but by saying you're not going to be dealing with any IA complaints made during this week is ridiculous. You're basically saying to members 'It's okay to piss about this week, nothing counts'. Staff should be coming down hard on those abusing police ranks, such as patrolling as TFU, RDM'ing as cops etc. "
" I personally feel that if PD members acts like retards this week, their rank should be in risk of being removed. "
"Since there's clearly an issue with the staff team enforcing laws, it'd make sense for the people fucking about to be given some form of punishment once the whitelisted department returns. "
"intentionally minging and testing the limits of what you can get away with as a cop can carry consequences for said Officers once this trial is over. "
I have purposely stayed away from the server for the entire duration besides Sunday (day when it was added) as I soon figured out how toxic it was and just wasn't the "serious role-play" PERPHEADS state it is. I understand some cops have made this worse but that will have if you remove the white list completely, I honestly don't know what you expected? Both Samuel and Ayjay have both been chiefs and have had first hand experience at the work that goes into the PLPD to make it a more enjoyable experience for civs and cops, remove that and this is what you get.
Their are plenty of post above agreeing to revert back to a week ago as its aids / toxic.
The player base has declined every day... shown below.
My concerns about what some of you have been posted. I am actually quite happy this took place as it gives me a clear indication on what the server would be like with no white list and in the nicest way possible it would be a compete and utter shit show...
Been interesting to see options come from others , even if a lot of them don't even actively play the server.
Thanks for the dumb rating tho