Put in-game a rope for tying

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Czech Republic
Topic: I'm suggesting about put a rope in game for tying people in, and you dont have to rely, if they would listen your tying.

Short explanation (in notes):
-No more rule breaks about tying.
-Moar RP
Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
It would work like that: You would have rope in inventory, when you want to tie someone, you will have to make him stop, then you must aim at him with a fists and double click on rope in inventory, his movment will be disabled, only if you press RMB on him, he would follow you (Exacly same like in handcuffs) In name would be like ''Tied'' (Same, when there's Handcuffed) , if you wish to delete that tie, you will just easily take fists and pres R, and rope will teleport to your invetory. During being tied up, you cant open invetory or mobile or write 911 calls/Org calls.
When you being tied up, you can enter vehicles with help ''ALT+E'', but cant drive.

Optional additions:
-add gag with it (So person cant speak)
-More things, what you can do with rope.

I hope you like my idea, if you do, I would be happy if you leave here +support. :)
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Be aware that this idea has also got a few downsides... One would be that being able to buy ropes would end up in some troll going around tying people up. Similar situation would be someone getting tied up somewhere in the woods making him unable to get out of the retrains (Obviously after the robbers left).
I like the idea but you must understand the shear amount of work to make a working system, you have to make rules about it now being abused, and definitely of it being bugged, and make an infinite rope spawn.
If this hasn't already been denied, I'm pretty sure it has a lot of issues of role play value. The amount of cost the item is and the amount you can carry, how can it be collected if the "subject" disconnected or such all have to be taken into factor. And once again I believe this has already been posted.

+/- Support
+support the first time i got mugged (an i lost all my starting money) since i was noob i replied to the mugger that ropes doesn't come from nowhere, and he should have to buy it, but i never thought about the fact to add a real rope. it will also decrease the mug situations imo
Very good idea indeed.

This would remove most of the rulebreaking, and you would finally see someone tied and not just roleplayed situation that can be sometimes really chaotic mess. I personally would be happy if this was added and i think im not the only one + I don't think that this would be very hard to do, just copy the handcuffs and tweak it a little bit.

+support :D
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