Tying cables.

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Well, in a raid or hostage, I think their should be a cable option, where we can tie up our victims, with cables or rope, sometimes our cable or rope will tear up, but as long as we level up in tying level (Add it if you agree to my idea) It'll be more successful, because one time when I raided, I saw an AFK guy unarmed growing, I couldn't kill him, but how would he know I /me'd for tying him up? How could he roll for the tying Success/Fail?? I also think that friends or cops could release hostages by cutting off the cable or rope, by using scissors or a the combat knife, we should have a cutting off option with combat knife, and sometimes the combat knife could break. But if you want it to be easier, just let every civllian craft handcuffs, and use it for his own purpses. Alsoooooo we should have an option for tying up legs of a hostage, so he could not move and we can move him with fists or something like that :D
I can see the advantages of ropes or handcufs for civs but I can also allready smell the amount of times it will be abused.
MazZ said:
I can see the advantages of ropes or handcufs for civs but I can also allready smell the amount of times it will be abused.
It's like randomly cuffing in cops, they get blacklisted/kicked/banned for random arresting, but if civillians randomly do that, it's a kick/ban.
You can't really stop abusing, but also don't forget cops do that sometimes, and they are being handled with, and also civillians will be handled with and we will all enjoy Perpheads :)
This sounds like a good idea but i think a timer should be added to the actual "tieing". And i think they also need to add a timer for the arresting of the police. If they are gonna implent this that is.
Razertje said:
This sounds like a good idea but i think a timer should be added to the actual "tieing". And i think they also need to add a timer for the arresting of the police. If they are gonna implent this that is.
Yeah it's sometimes annoying how cops can cuff as they please, we need to be actually NOT resisting arrest to be easily cuffed, plus they shouldn't resist, FearRP, cops will be gunpoiniting criminals :) Thanks for commenting.
Razertje said:
This sounds like a good idea but i think a timer should be added to the actual "tieing". And i think they also need to add a timer for the arresting of the police. If they are gonna implent this that is.
A timer sounds exellent indeed !
However people do have the tendency to keep running and do not let them be handcuffed (FailRP or not), adding timer to handcuffing will make it much harder and maybe even annoying for a cop. If a cop had the ability to slow down or tackle the criminal this would be solved.
I understand why you would want this implemented but saying it's like cops abusing is a bad way to fight your corner. Cops do abuse so adding this in for civs which there are much more will most likely end up with 2x or 3x the players abusing.

So to counter the possible amount of abuse, if this was to be implemented I would like to see some needed skills included such as strength. Obviously only people with a certain amount of strength could someone up without them resisting and succeeding in escape. Maybe also intelligence as not many people will know how to tie up someone correctly. Adding these restrictions in will also limit down abusers.

EDIT - For the rescue attempts/release I think this should only be done by the SWAT. Obviously they're the ones who get involved when it comes to hostage situations.
Chaddy said:
I understand why you would want this implemented but saying it's like cops abusing is a bad way to fight your corner. Cops do abuse so adding this in for civs which there are much more will most likely end up with 2x or 3x the players abusing.

So to counter the possible amount of abuse, if this was to be implemented I would like to see some needed skills included such as strength. Obviously only people with a certain amount of strength could someone up without them resisting and succeeding in escape. Maybe also intelligence as not many people will know how to tie up someone correctly. Adding these restrictions in will also limit down abusers.

EDIT - For the rescue attempts/release I think this should only be done by the SWAT. Obviously they're the ones who get involved when it comes to hostage situations.
Great comment! Thanks for adding that, high-requirements of Genetics will prevent abusing, usually experienced players know the rules better and they can RP better, means less abusing. All the stuff that you typed down will really add greatly to my idea, thank you.
While this could be useful and all, as mentioned before with rush cuffing for cops, people would rush tie as civilian then. So while I agree there needs to be a way to legitimately have a hostage since I am tired of seeing "hostages" that get in the way of police actions when not forced to be between the suspect and officer, as well as just simply aimlessly moving about, no RP at all. So trying to get someone to stay still long enough to properly tie down would be difficult and lead to many admin calls, but also tying right away is far from great either. So if there were some way to bridge this maybe, perhaps forcing it to display a roll for either player and uses the rope on success or not and if person tying had the higher roll they would tie the person, and would only work from behind, and take a few seconds which freezes both players (if successful). With the person tied, the person that tied them up could toggle whether the person could walk or not, so if they need them out of the way, they could be frozen in place, but if they were to initiate a hostage exchange, they could allow the person to walk out. The ties would automatically be broken within 10 minutes due to the 10 minute rule on hostages, and by rules you'd be forced to let the person go if you were done with the situation yourself, since leaving the person tied up is 1) rude 2) ruins the gameplay for that player having to remain stuck in a place with no one around to let them free. However this does not mean the person could thereby equip a gun and shoot the people that just took him/her hostage right away.

Hopefully this made sense. Just some new ideas on how maybe it should work. Because the idea of it is good and would enhance hostage situations, because right now most often they are horribly done, and the hostage does not behave as one.
StephenPuffs said:
While this could be useful and all, as mentioned before with rush cuffing for cops, people would rush tie as civilian then. So while I agree there needs to be a way to legitimately have a hostage since I am tired of seeing "hostages" that get in the way of police actions when not forced to be between the suspect and officer, as well as just simply aimlessly moving about, no RP at all. So trying to get someone to stay still long enough to properly tie down would be difficult and lead to many admin calls, but also tying right away is far from great either. So if there were some way to bridge this maybe, perhaps forcing it to display a roll for either player and uses the rope on success or not and if person tying had the higher roll they would tie the person, and would only work from behind, and take a few seconds which freezes both players (if successful). With the person tied, the person that tied them up could toggle whether the person could walk or not, so if they need them out of the way, they could be frozen in place, but if they were to initiate a hostage exchange, they could allow the person to walk out. The ties would automatically be broken within 10 minutes due to the 10 minute rule on hostages, and by rules you'd be forced to let the person go if you were done with the situation yourself, since leaving the person tied up is 1) rude 2) ruins the gameplay for that player having to remain stuck in a place with no one around to let them free. However this does not mean the person could thereby equip a gun and shoot the people that just took him/her hostage right away.

Hopefully this made sense. Just some new ideas on how maybe it should work. Because the idea of it is good and would enhance hostage situations, because right now most often they are horribly done, and the hostage does not behave as one.
Nice idea, also in the roll idea, the ties could break or not.
I dont think this will be abused much as its the same as handcuffs, Use a knife to break someone out maybe?
Max said:
I dont think this will be abused much as its the same as handcuffs, Use a knife to break someone out maybe?
Yeah me neither, yeah I am thinking about using a knife to break them out, but what if cops rescue the hostages? I suggest a special tool for the cops, or a general tool, for Civi and police officers, the good 'ol fashioned combat knife, or a tomahawk, for SWAT/Cops. I'd like to hear your opinion.
I think this is a great idea but i got a little idea for the rope coding u can get someone to untie but it would be like the enquipment load
u cant do shit while doing it but it would be done in like 10-15 sec.

but it would also take some sec's to tie a vitcim.
also this would get rid of the abuse! cuz who would tie a someone that could get untied by anyone as long as the do the untie action?

ill give this idea a +Support

Start Coding! i want this!
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