Rate my Redtube channel (youtube)

I thought you had to be 18 korean years to have your own Redtube channel?

Time for your rating by Perp's YouTube King :kappa: 11k bots subs speak for themselves.

Your videos are quite decent. Something I really like is that nothing seems forced, like many of these new tryhard gaming channels with paid adverts on Youtube, and the editing is mostly fluent. You upload videos regulary which is always a big plus, and the quality of the audio is also good. I have to admit that I find some moments less fun than others, and some not at all funny, but apart from that, and the fact that you like Rocket League, I would rate your channel 8/10. It was definetly worth my subscription.
Right, I'll be straight forward here and I am not the kind of guy that hates people but oh boy, now you have triggered me and my shell and I don't like to show this side of me either but here we go anyways.

You always had that kind of special attention kind of thing. Your voice, your way of speaking, just everything (Even in-game you have the same behaviour) which I don't see why you would put into your own videos. The editing is fine but it's just the way you act that I really don't like and I am pretty sure that I am not the only one here or it's because of us being in a Korean time zone.
As on topic of attention, this is definetely a glitch, because, grill.

Please, do yourself a favor and change the way you behave at the moment as it is horrible, even for your videos/channel. Being a loud, attention seeking grill is not the way to go which really (again) triggers me, improve. Quality>Quantity
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this is what triggers me, go to 4:34 she says "itching" when it clearly says aching