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So for those of you who haven’t heard, there’s this upcoming MMORP sandbox game called “RAW” that should be coming out in alpha sometime in December. The trailer looks amazing but it seems way too good to be true so I was wondering what your thoughts were. Do you think it’ll be a good game? I sure hope so otherwise im going to owe @jjjackier money.... Or do you think its going to flop like “Identity” did?

Like I said, I want it to come out as an fantastic fucking game but it seems too good to be true, although I truly hope it isn’t because this has massive potential if done correctly.

Here’s the trailer they released:

And here’s what @Daigestive had to say about the trailer:

Let me know what your expectations and thoughts are with this game with a reply below :)
Honestly same man, hope they have a BTS boyband as a career option.
ok man....thank you for the constructive reply..... i appreciate the details and arguments as to why you won’t be buying it.......thanks for coming out........ :4Weird:
Yeah there was something @Sneaky said about them being unity assets or whatever, but I don’t think it’s a problem at all as long as they live up to what they’re advertising. I’m most excited for how RP will be in the police departments.
Agree on the dream game part, I hope they can develop it well especially with the amount of people putting trust and funds into them
There is no way that such a small and unknown indie company will be able to create a world this big and such in debt mechanics like shown in the trailer with no bugs. Its not going to work
@The HitMan The biggest problem the game faces is not the development itself, but the fact that the players have to RP and work together to make it work. I’m down to make my own whitelisted community for people who would be willing to work together and make it as enjoyable as possible lmao
cant wait for that 5 bucks so i can buy bts merch

There needs to be a game that has already come out so that we can see what would happen and how popular it would be, at the moment games like gmod and GTA are used to add on features to create servers etc as the base game does not have them. We see trailer after trailer of games promoting this feature or you can be anything etc, but we've been let down by these broken promises, perhaps that's why some people not all have given up. Identity so far is closet thing there is to a standalone game but it's not the best and has a long way to go. Same with Raw when that arrives it will take a while to get right.