Main Idea: Bring back the small hut next to the farm that was deleted in V3 or so.
Full description of the idea: ^
Why should it be added?: The hut was mostly removed to free up brush faces when the map was hitting its limits back then (rip Admin room). Now that we no longer have this constraint it would be nice to have this small building back, it was mostly used to hide just about anything.
Pros: More opportunities and another area to hide objects...or people...or yourself.
Cons: None, it was a nice little addition to the farm.
*Other additions: Implement a back door/2nd entrance. Make it darker inside (remove the light).
Edit: Re-uploaded pics.
Full description of the idea: ^
Why should it be added?: The hut was mostly removed to free up brush faces when the map was hitting its limits back then (rip Admin room). Now that we no longer have this constraint it would be nice to have this small building back, it was mostly used to hide just about anything.
Pros: More opportunities and another area to hide objects...or people...or yourself.
Cons: None, it was a nice little addition to the farm.
*Other additions: Implement a back door/2nd entrance. Make it darker inside (remove the light).

Edit: Re-uploaded pics.
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