Recent RP Events

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Hello All,
(Not an official Event post)
Just thought I'd ask you how you all feel about the recent events that have been hosted by staff members. I tried to get as much feedback for ones I have hosted, but plan to perhaps have new event ideas later on.

If you would leave some feedback below for how you feel the ones that I hosted went. I did get some feedback from some players.

I said it in game and I will say it here too. I personally found yesterdays treasure hunt a lot of fun, the only part that kind of annoyed me and I personally found a bit too excessive was the one with propclimbing.
It was just very annoying to do and the staff members (@joey kid) always unfreezing my prop
but yeah, thats about it, thanks :)
Thank you for your reply. We did allow some leniency with the props, I just didn't want huge gaps or zig-zag up and down props as that was just not fair, I did allow it not to have supported at the bottom.
I'm in full support of more roleplay events that don't involve shooting, an example was races at farm. Also perhaps a dedicated day that events take place rather than events 3 days in row just to boost the player count.

How about the event team being created so events can more easily be done and more efficient.
I've been hosting a few that require users to use their investigation skills and figure out where the treasure is. Although I like shooting events, they can just become boring.
I am happy to host one, As long as people don't ruin it.
I feel like throwing this in there that events shouldn’t be done too often, it kinda feels like it’s losing its special charm behind it if that makes any sense? Seeing that an event is going to happen nearly everyday won’t encourage people to come on because it’ll be the same old to some extent but anyways I’m glad to see them happen either way. Other than that, they’ve all been fantastic and I hope to see more in the future
My issue is when we do an RP event involving witness protection where the whole police force including 6 TFU guard someone. Not only does this prove difficult for anyone who doesn't have a huge org, but makes the whole server easy pickins for a raid as the whole PD is busy trying to prevent someone from getting an event money prize.

If someone receives a death threat outside of an RP event they don't get guarded by the whole PD do they?