Referendum if city funds are 0.

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Description of the idea: Referendum if city funds are 0.

Why should this be added?: If a mayor neglets the city funds to a point where they reach 0. There should be a voting simulair to the mayor election. With the option to remove the mayor from office.

What negatives could this have? (cons): Mayors can try and fix the funds but still face a demotion.

Police will no longer be able to arrest the mayor for 4.4.
No this is a stupid idea, what if the mayor is being held hostage so unable to manage taxes then gets demoted and sent to spawn or whatever same if they're getting arrested
Maybe prevent this from happening if the mayor is in cuffs or zipties. This does not fully resolv your concern. But it will help.

You could also just demote him but not respawn him. The person is no longer mayor but still at the same location as before. So RP can continue.
yeah yeah, heard that a hundred times, doesn't stop it from happening. What if police can't find him? What if there's no officer on duty with the authority to arrest him? The mayor going in to hiding just to piss off the police is not uncommon.
but NLR what if the mayor doesn't want to as well after being demoted
@LilChicken Well I don't really see a problem here. The situations you describe are rare. And the same happens when some one gets promoted to mayor. They can be in a RP sit as well and during it be promoted to mayor. In general people deal with this queit well. I think the pros outway the cons.
Could not agree more with KeiwaM. I also like to point out there is no jail sentens for breaking law 4.4. So how would you do this?
The general public being able to hold a vote of no confidence, police or civilian alike is a good idea. The mayor shouldn't be respawned when this happens though, it would disrupt the RP more than necessary when they're demoted. KeiwaM brings up good points, police can't always arrest him, and in the case of law 4.4, there's no sentence for such and so no action can be taken. But if the mayor breaks the law as a government employee, doesn't he then break rule 4.1? This is something that doesn't make sense to me when I look at it.

- No listed max punishment for law 4.4.
- Mayor breaking laws is breaking rule 4.1
- Intentionally curbing the city funds or throwing the sales tax to 50%, knowing that people would come to kill him for it, for "action" would then be 4.1, and in this instance if we take the context of the coming situation he's put himself in, 3.4 too. He can perpetually say that he can't go to the CH because of the "looming threat" and therefore "justify" himself in hiding.

This makes being a minge mayor extremely easy because none of this is enforced properly, I haven't seen a single staff member warn a mayor not to do any of this. Of course, I'm being very boring about this and pulling the fun out of being mayor out from right under your feet by saying this. I personally think it can be overlooked if the public can vote to impeach with over half or three fourths of the votes in agreement.
fyi: The mayor is subject to being given a lawful order to follow law 4.4, if they fail to do so, they're committing a felony liable to 5 years. Shouldn't really be against the rules so I think they should be exempt from rule 4.1 if it is realistic.
@ShadowJoey it should not be the police their job to judge if the mayor acts in the best intrest of the city. Nor give orders to change the way the city is runned. The people should do this.
Personally I think that mayors that let funds reach 0 and refuse to fix their actions can be dealt with properly in role play most of the time, and if they're breaking the law and hiding it would be a police officers job to find them anyway? So removing what can be valid RP just so that everyone can be a little bit lazier seems pointless to me.

Also, whenever the funds reach 0 it is always because the mayor has lowered sales taxes, and all the civilians want that, and so since civilians always outnumber employed players I think the vote will almost always be in favour of the mayor anyway.
Hmmm a bad mayor
Isn't that what sniper rifles are for?

Instead of just having it pop up (it might not entirely be mayors fault city funds are 0%), i think its better if its something players actively try to fix one way or another
In 99% of cases it's actually the mayor's fault one way or another. The really easy but dumb way to keep city funds high is to just set income tax to 50% and above and you no longer run the risk of running out of funds with default settings.

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