Remake The Construction Booklet as a guide.

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Professional Stripper
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What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: Remake the construction booklet as more of a guide than a restriction.
Your version of the rule: Remake the construction booklet outlining what these rules mean -
  • 3.7 Properties
  • 3.8 Elaborate Construction
  • 3.9 Placing Props
  • 3.10 Realistic Construction
  • 3.11 Leveraging Pushing
  • Headglitching
  • One way defences.
  • Defences that direct movement.
Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited: I think a guide would be great to help people understand what these rules mean and make them less vague. I don't see any problems in making something like this and think it could be useful as long as we don't use it as a restriction like the last booklet with having only 9 barricades ect.
i dont care about the bases, its just when they are aids, head glitch and then also forces a player in 1 certain direction.
Drill it into peoples heads the things like that you need two entrances to the MAIN ROOM of your property. I liked the construction booklet yet it needed to be a bit less specific to allow do positive implementation of staff discretion
I'm not a fan of the whole, you must make it fair to people trying to raid you. I'm sorry but in most circumstances you're trying to kill the inhabitants of a property, the defenders should have an unfair advantage. I agree with the suggestion of making it more of a guide or even changing it as a whole.
The "advantage" already exists with rule abiding bases in the sense that you can heavily restrict the raiders visibility with spotlights, barricades and fences, whilst the only thing defenders have to do in most cases is keep a gun pointed at a door and click when they see movement.
If you actually read what i posted remaking ir would be nothing like the previous booklet that acted like a restriction saying "you can only use 9 barricades". Remaking it as a guide for already enforced rules would make no difference rather than less aids bases.
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