Removal from DCoD Position

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United Kingdom
Hello everyone,

Hope you are all doing well. So as we all know it’s been quite an eventful past few weeks regarding the PD with all the restructuring to the department and the vacancies being filled but last week I had received an Internal Affairs complaint regarding a fairly important aspect of the PD. I won’t go into detail but the Complaint Committee has sustained the complaint against me. In line with my original recommendation to the CC chairman to demote me to Sergeant should this complaint be sustained, this outcome serves as a vote of no confidence regarding my role within the PD command team and therefore I have been removed from my position as the Deputy Chief of Department for policy/SOP violations.

I accept the results of the investigation and I accept the CC’s decision to remove me from my position; I have always stated that I have full confidence in the CC’s actions and have faith they will continue to have my confidence going forward; for anyone who still doesn’t believe in the CC I strongly suggest referring to this demotion as proof that the CC is working. It’s become evident to me that serving in PD command for over 4 years straight has led to me becoming rusty so-to-speak and as a result, this situation has occurred and what’s done is done now so all I can really say to all members of the PD and community is that I sincerely apologise for letting you all down and losing your trust as a result - I’d say I’m probably the last-person people would expect to see someone being demoted for something like this but it is what it is. All I can really ask for is the community’s forgiveness for my demotion from DCoD.

I do not hold any grudges against anyone involved in the complaint process nor will I attempt to perform petty acts such as making revenge IA complaints, etc. as that’s not who I am nor do I intend to lower myself down to that level. At the end of the day, those involved do very much care about the PD and I can only respect those who want to see the PD succeed, even if those views are different.

So, what now? Well, PD-wise Tiny will be placed in charge of the PD until a suitable replacement is found. Regarding me? Well, I will still be sticking around on PERP and will remain in the PD as a Sergeant and I will continue to perform my duties as an Administrator. (and arguably with more focus and commitment now that I am no longer in a command position within the PD) In addition to this, I will still continue to be making renders in Source Filmmaker for PERP and may potentially look into learning modelling to help with server development going forward. However, I understand that some people in the community will no longer trust me and feel that I should no longer hold the rank of Administrator within the staff team so if you have concerns specifically regarding my staff rank and whether or not I should be trusted with maintaining the rank, I would encourage you to speak to Senior Administration or make a staff complaint, whatever floats your boat.

Once again, I apologise for letting everyone down with this demotion from DCoD. This obviously isn’t how I wanted my long command career to end but this is how events have transpired and there’s no changing that now. All I can ask is for your forgiveness and to wish my successor the best of luck.

Kind regards,
I'm not sure where to start.

I remember back in the days when you were a corporal and I was a PO. We patrolled together and I learned lots.

I don't want to write a full essay of "I'm sorry this happened".

Thank you for what you have done for the PD since becoming command, and even before. It hasn't gone un noticed.
Everyone does mistakes. The only important thing is that what you did wasn’t malicious in anyway, and in reality it didn’t hurt anyone.

And as I told you on discord, I personally don’t feel like you nor Hendricks should bare the full responsibility. Both of you were new in the role and received little to no assistance or guidance.

I personally have no doubt you will continue being a good admin :)
bro i got demoted from both admin and moderator and police officer to probationary officer, i know the feel... you must be absolutely gutted.

it is what it is Super, you're one of the coolest members of the community and I'll always respect you. Who the fuck cares anyways cus in the end of the day it's just a game.
Nobody is exempt from the rules, and I'm glad the investigative team has acknowledged that. (Unless you're talking about the owners, but we don't speak of that here)

I heavily agree with Samuel and Daymon. Mistakes happen and It's just a game. At the end of the day, it won't matter in the grand scheme of your life, so don't be hard on yourself for it. You've been knocked down so don't give up, get up and move forward. Always forward.

I don't know the details of your demotion, but the feeling I'm getting is that this wasn't something done out of malicious intent, but a mistake made out of receiving
little to no assistance or guidance.

Best of luck in the future and remember, to err is human.