Remove the ability to sell drugs while you have a gun in your hand

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Description of the idea:
Make it so when you are holding a gun in your hand you are unable to sell drugs. Currently someone holding a gun in their hand with their back turned against you is basically being immune to mugs, since according to staff members they can't know if you actually have a gun in your hand when you say that you are gun pointing them which allows them to just turn around and start shooting. In the process they lose their life and the only thing that's worth something that they lose is their pistol, which is literally 1/100 of what they make from selling the drugs.

Why should this be added? (pros):
  • Adds a risk to selling drugs which would make it harder to sell 10k coke with a pistol
  • Makes it more realistic as you wouldn't really be able to hand over that much drugs with a single hand

What negatives could this have? (cons):
  • Newer players that may not have people around them could have hard time, but the amount of starting stuff they get is more than enough
this just makes it easier to mug people maybe camping drug dealer isn't such a good idea because people tend to do anything in there power not to get mugged?? doing this would just make the drug dealer basicly unuseable due to a massive spike in camping
this just makes it easier to mug people maybe camping drug dealer isn't such a good idea because people tend to do anything in there power not to get mugged?? doing this would just make the drug dealer basicly unuseable due to a massive spike in camping
Thats why you bring people to watch your back
Thats why you bring people to watch your back
but what if like me you have no freinds ?? this sounds like a horrible idea mate and by the looks of the vote this wont be added and if it does it will make drug dealer basicly unuseable if you dont have people with you
but what if like me you have no freinds ?? this sounds like a horrible idea mate and by the looks of the vote this wont be added and if it does it will make drug dealer basicly unuseable if you dont have people with you
try to make some friends then, you shouldnt be solo all the time when you do drugs. Engage yourself with others, do something that isnt growing in the forest
try to make some friends then, you shouldnt be solo all the time when you do drugs. Engage yourself with others, do something that isnt growing in the forest
I can actually confirm that Aaron doesnt grow in the forest like other people.
I can actually confirm that Aaron doesnt grow in the forest like other people.
can confirm infact everyone just hates me or tries to exploit me for drugs at stupid prices when i grow for em
Anyone disliking, please leave a constructive argument, because to me it seems like people just want to keep making their millions with 0 risk and bother.
as I said, you should have someone with you to sell so you are safe
homeless as i said earlier what if you are solo or your freinds arent on then people will just camp dd to me it just seems like you want to be able to camp DD more you suggested 2 things that would make this possible
homeless as i said earlier what if you are solo or your freinds arent on then people will just camp dd to me it just seems like you want to be able to camp DD more you suggested 2 things that would make this possible
I suggested 2 things that would bring a risk to producing drugs, you need to keep in mind that I can get mugged too. Also about the solo thing, maybe you can find other ways to sell your drugs instead of the NPC all the time
I suggested 2 things that would bring a risk to producing drugs, you need to keep in mind that I can get mugged too. Also about the solo thing, maybe you can find other ways to sell your drugs instead of the NPC all the time
There is no increase in risk the drugs that were about to be sold will still get sold just by a different person and the mugger will have decreased risk of mugging. Shifting risk to benefit yourself is not increasing risk.
I suggested 2 things that would bring a risk to producing drugs, you need to keep in mind that I can get mugged too. Also about the solo thing, maybe you can find other ways to sell your drugs instead of the NPC all the time
bruh most people dont buy drugs from users at full prices likeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
I agree with the more risk to drugs stand. But all this is gonna do is hurt new players with no friends or organization from earning money, and allow players with more time and friends to exploit them. It doesnt stop risk or amount of money being earnt, it just redirects money from people who dont have people to watch them to other players.
This is an insufficient solution to the problem as it wouldn’t really effect anyone except new players with no one to watch their backs.
this is a horrible idea for newer players, the first couple weeks of perp a lot of them are alone, this isn't going to solve the "drugs are too easy" problem just cripple newer players
I don't want bad blood with my opinion now, I personally think that shouldn't be added like @aarondavid45 said not everyone has an organization or friends on the server who can stand behind you if you want to sell drugs it also increases the risk of the whole people are attacked @thehomelessdude you can talk big because you are in a very large organization as a player but not all of them have as many friends as you.
I do think its a bit dumb when a person sells drugs while pointing a gun at the head of the dealer but this just sounds like a "i want to mug people at DD but i cant" type of suggestion
I do think its a bit dumb when a person sells drugs while pointing a gun at the head of the dealer but this just sounds like a "i want to mug people at DD but i cant" type of suggestion
you couldnt of summed this up any better
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