Police Suggestion Replacing heavy gear snipers for TFU marksman gear.

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Brief description of idea:

Adding a third level of TFU gear called “Marksman gear”.

This marksman’s gear should differ from regular heavy gear in the following ways:
- 60 armour instead of 100.
- Access to sniper rifles and marksman’s rifles instead of a wide range of assault weapons.
- Shouldn’t have access to the SWAT van.
- Should have 1 flashbang and 1 breaching charge.

The armoury for Marksman’s gear should consist of the following weapons:
- M16A4:
barrel: Compensator, flash hider.
Sight: PM2 scope, Zenith, ACOG.
Stock: Default stock
Magazine: 25 round magazine.
- SG550:
Barrel: Compensator, Suppressor, Flash hider.
Sights: Zenith, PM2 scope, ACOG.
default stock and mag.
Barrel: Suppressor
Sights: PM2 Scope, MK2 scope, Nightforce scope.
Scope: PM2, MK2, Nightforce.

The SR25 was also suggested when this idea was discussed with players however I’m unsure if adding an SR25 to TFU is a good idea due to it being usable up close, or really necessary when the PD only fights unarmoured players.

Sidearms will remain the same, however the Colt Anaconda should be replaced with an M1911.

Head: TFU cap, Aviator shades
Body: Heavy gear body.
Accessories: Combat gloves, combat boots.

- TFU range rover
- Non-division specific Supervisor cars (BMW, Escalade).

Deployment policy and limits:
- Limited to 1 slot per 10 officer slots
- Will take up 1 spot in TFU slots the same as light and heavy gear currently both do.
- Deployment policy will be the same as heavy TFU, meaning marksmen cannot patrol in marksman gear.
- Just like the policy with snipers, TFU marksmen will be discouraged to put themselves in positions where they are 100% going to experience close range combat unless 100% necessary. So despite having a silenced SG550, they will not be allowed to take the scope off and perform a raid with it.
- The L115, even if there are 2 marksmen, will still be limited to 1.

Other notes:
- The M24 will still spawn in Range Rover Trunks in case an emergency sniper is needed.
- As head of TFU I have no plans on further restricting the marksmans role as a separate role from regular TFU however I am completely open to the idea of making marksmen a further whitelisted idea.

The point of this suggestion:

The idea here is to add more “balance” to the ability to use snipers as TFU as typically people claim that having access to an L115 when you’re using armour that requires around 3-5 more conventional rifle shots to kill at longer ranges than regular police officers. TFU armour excels at longer ranges over close combat and having someone who is supposed to stay as far away as possible be fully armoured only makes them incredibly difficult to kill.

Several TFU will spawn the SWAT van with an L115 as their weapon which is unnecessary, wasting the potential the SWAT van has as a heart of the situation deployment method. Despite me adding to the handbook that marksmen should avoid using the SWAT van to snipe from, people still do so and punishing people for doing this simply wouldn’t be fair.

Lets be honest, Police snipers simply do not need 100 armour, 3 breaching charges, and 2 flashbangs as they shouldn’t be getting close enough to use them anyways. A single breaching charge to gain access to better vantage points, as well as a single flashbang for personal defense reasons is entirely sufficient.

What benefits would this idea have for the department:
- Adding marksman gear as a standalone role, this is good because marksman work is significantly different from typical TFU combat deployment.
- From a balancing perspective, use of snipers with less armour means that officers will be less likely to take sniper rifles to CQB situations.
- Police snipers simply do not need 100 armour.
- Adds more room to add more weapons to Heavy gear.

What potential negatives could this have for the department:
- Officers who want to switch to a sniper or from a sniper in a shootout having to change gear first.

Other additions:

Possibilities of giving them a different coloured armour? Idk.​
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I think this is a good way of balancing TFU sniping. Maybe remove the armour down to the same as normal officers?

Could also take up 2 heavy slots to make up for the additional snipers.
I think this is a good way of balancing TFU sniping. Maybe remove the armour down to the same as normal officers?

Could also take up 2 heavy slots to make up for the additional snipers.
Having it take more slots is far too much for TFU snipers.
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