Restructure FD to be like PLPD.

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Paralake Fire Department, PLC
Description of the idea: Restructure the PLFD to have Ranks, powers, procedures, etc just like police. I have 4-5 years real world fire fighter experience albeit at a low rank but i should know enough to run this or atleast set it up.

Why should this be added? (pros):
- Give some breath into the FD that hasn't had an actual fleshed out update in what, 4 years?
- EXTREME realism boost.
- Encourage people to actually go FD. how many times have you seen a fire burning with nobody around? There's simply no incentive to go FD. No structure, no ranks, nobody cares about you, no protocol, no nothing.

What negatives could this have? (cons):
- Could never be used (I doubt it, you just need to give them incentive).
- ALOT of actually having to do something and coding and paperwork.

*Other additions:
- Change fire axe to be rule/protocol based. I've had issues with breaking down some doors where there would be a massive benefit (medical) but am unable to due to there being no fire. This should be enforced via SOP as there is no voice in the sky saying no to you irl. (Not big priority)

- Change hose to knock players down. But this will be abused! you say. But fire department will be whitelisted like PD (albeit automatically) and there will be strict punishments for this (demotion,suspension, blacklist) as in the real world the hose can rip skin off. We've had riots in the server and in the real world FD or atleast in cheeseburgistania uses hoses for riot control. This is also for realism. As it stands right now i don't have to think while using hoses ingame, with this change now fire fighting needs actual training and there are repercussions for not thinking. (Would be nice.)

- CPR. A time based clicker that slows down the death timer. It doesn't revive them, it doesn't pause the timer. It merely slows it. Do it to fast or to slow and the timer remains at the same speed or goes faster. I got cpr training and it was not hard to do at all and all it really did was just slow any injury if i were to sum it up for a system. I'm not looking for anything major just a gui with a button you click in rhythm. (Not big priority)

-Random fires BUT only when FD is on. Santos wasn't afraid to do this so why should we be afraid? Most people would go FF then quit after the fire is out. With this there's the possibility of random fires to keep them on the job.
Possible locations:
- Pub.
- Courier Warehouse.
- Junkyard.
- Farm.
- Suburbs park.
- Business Woods.
- Behind suburbs monorail.
- City park.

This is going to be a complex layout so therefore i will lay it out in multiple flow charts. Do realize that this is simplified for the server and cut down.

Structure of FD:


These are all prototypes so please do not assume they are final.
Im not going to dismiss this idea based on the fair assumption that it would be useless, but alongside this, maybe give fire fighters more to do and merge it with the EMS?
If we find a way to generate fires more ofthen this could work. But we don't need that many ranks 3 or 4 will do.
So far this post has told me that RP is dead on this server. I am dissapointed in everyone, this server used to have such great rp and people really got immersed but now it's devolved into nothing.
I absoloutely love the idea of a semi-structured fire-department, however, it does come with many issues; the fire-department should be about having fun whilst being able to perform some duties and at its' current state it's very limited in terms of what you can do. I've had numerous ideas but even the smallest things (such as trunks for the Fire Dept) were denied and so I never bothered.

Before any 'structural' changes are made I feel that there should be smaller ideas implemented in stages, such as: ladders, trunks, limited fire extinguishers, uniform changes and then slowly move on to vehicle changes, increased responsibilities and roles. I do also believe that the Fire Dept should be merged with Paramedics and have one building for Paramedics and the Fire Dept. with the hospital being a seperate building as it currently is.

But overall, I do support this (to some extent) as long as it continues to be fun and enjoyable and has a variety of role-play possibilities as that's where I got my roleplay acknowledgement award from.
Just make the defibs the FF have require you to shock someone twice as much just to make it less effective despite it not being as realistic.
That's more of a better compromise tbf. Having it merged is way better than having one that's completely dead and another that's somewhat alive..
Please make this an in-game reward thing?! By a combination of how many times you've used your medkit as a firefighter, the amount of hours spent online and fires extinghuised you could climb some ranks, with some small perks like fire supervisor, fire chief, who gets a suburban or something. Having a fire department structure similar to the very first PD supervisor system seems great to me and requires barely any management behind it.

Merging the FD with the EMS sounds like a cool thing to me too. That way, a search and rescue department would house paramedics and firefighters, essentially creating two subdevisions, in which you can both aquire ranks & perks as described above.

Firefighters could definitely get a small roleplay upgrades. For example: The large firetruck should only have 1 minute of water in the tank, you would need to roll out and connect a hose to a hydrant to your truck to have an unlimited water supply. In remote area's like hicktown, an additional firetruck (like this photon model). Maybe a ladder truck for cool rescues at regals, all ofcourse as a perk to reward activity in the PD.

Maybe combine them both into one job, and have them gear up in full firefighter gear? You see this in smaller US town often where EMT's are also firefighters, without the jackets on. Gearing up grants access to the firefighting tools, gearing down grants access to the EMT tools. One could gear up at a firetruck, and gear down at an ambulance, thereby encouraging responding with an arsenal of different vehiceles to an incident(A ladder truck, water truck, and an ambulance). This can immensely improve roleplay, without a whole load of work.
If this gets accepted I already call dibs on being head of the Tactical Fireman Unit.
I really don't think we should have that many ranks for the firedapartment. Espacially the fire marshall is in my eyes not a roll we would want. Let the police take care of the croud controll. I do believe we should add a rank structure but keep it simpel.

My take on it:

i do love the idea of a DIVER firefighter, that would definitely add something cool. (maybe we could finally kill that goddamn monster in the sea!!!!)

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