Restructure FD to be like PLPD.

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Paralake Fire Department, PLC
Description of the idea: Restructure the PLFD to have Ranks, powers, procedures, etc just like police. I have 4-5 years real world fire fighter experience albeit at a low rank but i should know enough to run this or atleast set it up.

Why should this be added? (pros):
- Give some breath into the FD that hasn't had an actual fleshed out update in what, 4 years?
- EXTREME realism boost.
- Encourage people to actually go FD. how many times have you seen a fire burning with nobody around? There's simply no incentive to go FD. No structure, no ranks, nobody cares about you, no protocol, no nothing.

What negatives could this have? (cons):
- Could never be used (I doubt it, you just need to give them incentive).
- ALOT of actually having to do something and coding and paperwork.

*Other additions:
- Change fire axe to be rule/protocol based. I've had issues with breaking down some doors where there would be a massive benefit (medical) but am unable to due to there being no fire. This should be enforced via SOP as there is no voice in the sky saying no to you irl. (Not big priority)

- Change hose to knock players down. But this will be abused! you say. But fire department will be whitelisted like PD (albeit automatically) and there will be strict punishments for this (demotion,suspension, blacklist) as in the real world the hose can rip skin off. We've had riots in the server and in the real world FD or atleast in cheeseburgistania uses hoses for riot control. This is also for realism. As it stands right now i don't have to think while using hoses ingame, with this change now fire fighting needs actual training and there are repercussions for not thinking. (Would be nice.)

- CPR. A time based clicker that slows down the death timer. It doesn't revive them, it doesn't pause the timer. It merely slows it. Do it to fast or to slow and the timer remains at the same speed or goes faster. I got cpr training and it was not hard to do at all and all it really did was just slow any injury if i were to sum it up for a system. I'm not looking for anything major just a gui with a button you click in rhythm. (Not big priority)

-Random fires BUT only when FD is on. Santos wasn't afraid to do this so why should we be afraid? Most people would go FF then quit after the fire is out. With this there's the possibility of random fires to keep them on the job.
Possible locations:
- Pub.
- Courier Warehouse.
- Junkyard.
- Farm.
- Suburbs park.
- Business Woods.
- Behind suburbs monorail.
- City park.

This is going to be a complex layout so therefore i will lay it out in multiple flow charts. Do realize that this is simplified for the server and cut down.

Structure of FD:


These are all prototypes so please do not assume they are final.
No... It's hardly used and we don't need structure to pointing at a fire and clicking
Please check out some of my suggestions.

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I enjoy playing firefighter but I think all your ideas are stupid and a waste of development time this wont really add anything barely anyone plays firefighter as is
cool idea. Fires do appear randomly when someone becomes firefighter, its already a thing
I don't see the reason to go fire fighter within your suggestion
Yeah it's complex to fight fires, but it wouldn't actually make for interesting gameplay or structure on perp.
@talia nagisan yes cop is terrible because its an American department so the cops aren't competent and it needs some structure due to the amount that can go wrong with that amount of power a FF isn't exactly going to get in trouble for excessive use of force against a fire...
I like the idea of adding more depth to job other than Police. Most of the arguments here are that not many people would use it, but isn't a great reason to neglect the concept completely.

We don't have to implement everything that has been suggested here (especially as wildfires are already a thing), but it would be good to hear what changes we could make that would make people want to go firefighter more often.
If there was a sense of progression within the department like what has been discussed in this suggestion and random fires became more frequent in different places such as unowned Subs houses then I would play FireFighter a lot more.
I don't believe people would want a PLPD type fire department. Now I'm not saying people wouldn't enjoy it but theres already a lot of controversy etc around the PLPD and I feel like creating a PLFD will be a bit dead.
Changes to FD aren't a bad idea. Pretty I did something with my homie @Prepper not too long ago as to how improvements could be made.
For me, perhaps ways of getting people out of vehicles if theyre stuck (although if anyone has a friend with a physgun and a burger it might be redundant)
Health kits(?)/cpr(defibs with reduced defib effect to not completely make medics useless) in case anyone is dumb enough to run into a fire or some stupid shit like the average single digit IQ perp player is prone to do.
some other things that i probably havent thought of could probably be implemented as well. its just a shame to see how useless firefighters are cause i remember in the original perp back in 2009 firefighters were a legit job and a great way to make money
I think that overall, this could be a great idea. People are saying that it wouldnt be useful because people dont play firefighter, thats because at the moment, there is not much a reason to. If there was structure in the fire dept, people would want to play, not only to progress, but to actually have fun. There is no challenge to being a firefighter at the moment, so adding some extra steps in the process might give people a little more of a want to play it. People dont seem to like this idea, because all they like to do is grow and get cars. This will bring back some more RP.

As much as I love this I think it will just be a major waste of time going ahead with it. Firefighting IS complex, but on Perp's climate it won't and won't be interesting to play as, it works on other servers (like text based ones) because people put thought out into their RP/ /me's.

Not a fan, sorry.

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