IC Name: tarone idrin
Steam Name:mj
Ex-orgs: legacy as a crafter my term was renewed due to a dispute
Favourite (PVP/Raiding/Growing/Crafting/Cop)

vp/raiding/growing cop is mid
What do you bring to the org:i am active everyday, i play alot very reliable and i always do my best for those that support me. I am not the best pvper however i do this so i can grow with a organisation and grow my skills and the org as a group and not just focus on myself. I also could support in activity i tend to play for long amounts and grind on perp alot when i want to however im very consistent also i could be a good crafter if payed right im level 56 and can make rifle ammo
Who is the best roblox youtuber (say flamingo or those new gens and its insta denied):hmm hard choice i was more of a minecraft geezer or gta, anyways if i could think
Favourite roblox game

izza delivery one was fun i also loved the natural disasters
Are you a cop main:dont ask such silly questions im not a monkey