roundabout in v5??????

should we have this roundabout in v5

  • yes i made the map in the first place after all

  • no this is a stupid idea america is better

  • im not bothered im too stupid to drive a car

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Why not a double mini roundabout instead of a big one? They confuse people so much that it forces you to slow down because no one knows what they're doing
alright homies ive decided i want to trial this roundabout with wooden boards and well directed signage (if the admins let me which they might not because they hate me) so im gonna need some help from some well respected people
alright homies ive decided i want to trial this roundabout with wooden boards and well directed signage (if the admins let me which they might not because they hate me) so im gonna need some help from some well respected people

will probably tell u to fuck off and do it in single player
Given that the entirety of the playerbase has mild to severe autism this will never work.
The regular highway intersection is good as it is considering people arrive at speeds of 90+ mph there needs to be clear signals of stop & go as to prevent retarded P1 owners from blasting straight through that shit.

However I'd love to see a "shared space" concept at the small intersection inside the city. People ignore those red lights anyway...

Y'know, putting a shared space in the big intersection might encourage people to slow their cars down as to not hit people crossing and potentially disable their car because they themselves are disabled.
Making it risky for both cars and pedestrians could cause people to exert more care into their actions
Besides, it's a 50 zone anyway.

shared spaces are very dangerous in big areas
That intersection isn't all that big if you think about it. Up to 10-25 vehicles pass that intersection every minute when the playercount actually reaches 70-80. And the highway has an unrealistically high speed limit, and vehicles also have a stupid speed for the size of the map.
Some vehicles really require more torque like the mini, beetle, volvo 242, camper and so on. The Bugatti is just a ticket straight into a wall at the dumbest speeds possible with an 80k price tag for whenever you do that. Not to mention you can double upgrade the thing and die even faster.

Paralake isn't all that huge of a city, putting shared spaces at the office intersection, car garage, car dealer intersection and even the big highway intersection might not be all that bad of an idea. We'll only know if we try, besides I'd love to see the intersection changed for something else.

New highway intersection here for example.

This removes all traffic lights and allows cars to merge as safely as possible without needing to stop. In theory.
(Might not want to include that massive bump on the highway though cause that'll just make people want to try to jump it and end up killing themselves)
I've already noticed a flaw with that kind of intersection, but it's just a suggestion, and it can be altered to work better anyhow.
Y'know, putting a shared space in the big intersection might encourage people to slow their cars down as to not hit people crossing and potentially disable their car because they themselves are disabled.
Making it risky for both cars and pedestrians could cause people to exert more care into their actions
Besides, it's a 50 zone anyway.

That intersection isn't all that big if you think about it. Up to 10-25 vehicles pass that intersection every minute when the playercount actually reaches 70-80. And the highway has an unrealistically high speed limit, and vehicles also have a stupid speed for the size of the map.
Some vehicles really require more torque like the mini, beetle, volvo 242, camper and so on. The Bugatti is just a ticket straight into a wall at the dumbest speeds possible with an 80k price tag for whenever you do that. Not to mention you can double upgrade the thing and die even faster.

Paralake isn't all that huge of a city, putting shared spaces at the office intersection, car garage, car dealer intersection and even the big highway intersection might not be all that bad of an idea. We'll only know if we try, besides I'd love to see the intersection changed for something else.

New highway intersection here for example.

This removes all traffic lights and allows cars to merge as safely as possible without needing to stop. In theory.
(Might not want to include that massive bump on the highway though cause that'll just make people want to try to jump it and end up killing themselves)
I've already noticed a flaw with that kind of intersection, but it's just a suggestion, and it can be altered to work better anyhow.

This is better i think bro.
America invented the superior roundabout(and yes they are fairly common here. And in our superior roundabouts you yield to the left meaning the people in the roundabout have the right of way. American roundabouts r better
Why not a double mini roundabout instead of a big one? They confuse people so much that it forces you to slow down because no one knows what they're doing
Or maybe bury the highway and put on ramps to it. I'll make a chart when I'm on a computer again
Then we get to have picnics in the middle of the roundabout and have fun +support I'll get the jam sandwiches tally ho lets go to the roundabout picnic
And in our superior roundabouts you yield to the left meaning the people in the roundabout have the right of way.

But we give way to the right meaning people on the roundabout have the right of way? Our roundabouts are the OGs!1!!!
I mean as much as I'd like to see changes being made. I don't think things like this should be added. They're very impractical and would just confuse players even more.