roundabout in v5??????

should we have this roundabout in v5

  • yes i made the map in the first place after all

  • no this is a stupid idea america is better

  • im not bothered im too stupid to drive a car

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thank you all very much for your input hopefully we can incorporate interesting ideas and spice things up a bit, i will hopefully trial this idea sooner or later, even if it does have to be in singleplayer
thank you all very much for your input hopefully we can incorporate interesting ideas and spice things up a bit, i will hopefully trial this idea sooner or later, even if it does have to be in singleplayer
I'll help you build one in sandbox if you want to trial it.
In my opinion, I can only see this ending badly. People will end up smashing into it and causing no end of damage. That's unless it was one of those weird flat roundabouts we have in the UK..

In pursuits I could see this being a huge bourdon. It would have some good comedic value but I doubt it would work somehow.

Let's make this round

I haven't used hammer in quite a few years so I'll need to relearn a few things
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As an eu person myself I feel verry oppresed about no roudabouts, please let us have a roundabout somewhere, even a miniroundabout in subs or something