Rule Suggestion (New Rule)

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Suggestion Topic: New Rule
Suggestion Description: 2.10

All players are expected to be following Steam's User Agreement, ensuring they are 13+ years of age or older. Exceptions may be made for players with adult supervision if authorized by an administrator.

Why should this be added?:
- Protect kids from harm
- Steam's user agreement is basically TOS
- Better server reputation
- More competent and mature player-base

What negatives could this have?:
- Some people might lie similarly to meta gaming so it may need investigation taking up staff resource incase a problem arises sparking staff interest.
I litteraly know people that sounds like 11 year olds at 18 years old, so this wouldn't be very realistic.
the wide misconception of this rule enforcement style is that it's like "a checkpoint at CH," or that "anybody with a high voice gets investigated,"

That is even more unrealistic and was never the idea given yet somehow the majority of replies imply that it is?

As I already said, the benefit of doubt is given. If a player raises evidence or good reason to believe that user is too young, immature and vulnerable to play PERPHeads then that is valid cause for investigation.

The frequency of cases this will bring if it is enforced in the way I actually suggested it is minimalistic.
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