Rule Suggestion (Other)

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Suggestion Topic: Other
Suggestion Description: I havent got a clue which topic to choose for this but yea.
Basically i just went to a police raid at hungriges, it was owned by a new player, crazy right? And we basically proceed with the raid, it ended up having 1 new player - with a "fresh" inventory, 2.5k on him, some beans and 10 weed seeds Xd, and the thing is - there was about 6 people which werent new, were armed as fuck with rifles, smgs. Pretty much what im saying is, people use new players to base with less consequences of raids happening to them.

Why should this be added?:
- Less people abusing new player perks to their advantage.
- New players having actual peace, no zergs over their heads asking to base with them.
- New player perks, being actually for new players...

What negatives could this have?:
- People crying over it.
- idk
To my understanding if a group of experienced players are caught basing behind a new player door and are reported/spotted by staff, they will tend to be kicked out.

While I'd like to see it added to the rules I'd also love for it not to be, seeing a group of 3 people target the new player base and then getting mowed down by 4 Scar-Ls is pretty deserving lol
To my understanding if a group of experienced players are caught basing behind a new player door and are reported/spotted by staff, they will tend to be kicked out
should be happening, but yeah, its not XD literally 20 mins ago that situation happened.
Sometimes it could be to teach a new player the basics of basing and growing, for the new player to own the building is to stop player raids. But agreed it is abused most likely in some cases.
or atleast the experienced players SHOULDNT be doing drugs inside the property.
Sometimes it could be to teach a new player the basics of basing and growing, for the new player to own the building is to stop player raids. But agreed it is abused most likely in some cases.
well yeah but then they shouldnt have a full base of drugs, right? ill show u a picture of what we confiscated from the raid... That surely aint owned by 1 singular new player.


  • obraz_2023-11-30_143443062.png
    17 KB · Views: 17
It's no rules against "hiding" behind new player doors. I have no problem with it to be honest, because that means the new players get taught how to play properly and get somewhat protected on their first days on the server which is always the hardest part. If you have any names or org and you have proof that they're abusing this mechanic feel free to contact an administration member if it ruins your roleplaying experience.

Everyone knows it's the hardest thing to start fresh on the server and have a chance to grow until you can buy a good car or a proper gun.
I think Ellie has a good point because I have also helped new players to grow. But if u get a new player to buy a building/apartment for u that should not be allowed
It's no rules against "hiding" behind new player doors. I have no problem with it to be honest, because that means the new players get taught how to play properly and get somewhat protected on their first days on the server which is always the hardest part. If you have any names or org and you have proof that they're abusing this mechanic feel free to contact an administration member if it ruins your roleplaying experience.

Everyone knows it's the hardest thing to start fresh on the server and have a chance to grow until you can buy a good car or a proper gun.

Yes sure, its hard to start out, the thing is - i dont think its a big help if u invite ~6 experienced players, to live in ur base, and grind A FUCK LOAD of drugs? Also the new player was afk 75% of the time we raided them, he wasnt moving/talking/writing anything, and his inventory had beans, a phone, 2.5k and 10 weed seeds XD like how is that normal and "no problem with it"


  • raid.png
    22.5 KB · Views: 1
Breaking news: New players are basing with experienced ones, bad thing because muh noo playur door protection.

Someone basing in a larger property will almost always be in a group which alleviates the Whole “don’t raid defenceless new players” schtick. If you’re hitting a New player hicktown trailer then sure that’s a dick move but a clearly fortified large property like Hungriges isn’t necessarily an off the charts target.

Restricting who owns the property for when new players own a base is pretty daft.

I’d rather see features conceived than banning experienced players basing with new ones. It just doesn’t make sense otherwise.

The issue you are describing is virtually nonexistent, No one’s abusing anything, it’s just people seem to think that a new player tag forbids you from raiding it. If a huge property is owned, locked and seemingly a base why wouldn’t you be able to raid it? New player doors?
Some major issues with this suggestion:

1. This would de-incentivise people from taking in new players and showing them the ropes, as it could come with the potential of being banned which is something that would be terrible for player retention as new players would be less exposed to mechanics/features of the game which might captivate them to keep playing. So, just a net-negative overall.

2. You should always respect, whoever it is that you're raiding, that they will retaliate and potentially kill you. Regardless of it's a new player or not, this would simply make targeting new players easier as you know they won't/shouldn't have experienced players with them.

3. This borderline falls into targeting, why would you be upset that a new player has made friends? Are you actively seeking to raid new players for it to be enough of an issue? What real incentive does this change give that would also be beneficial for a new player?

I don't think that new players should necessarily be coddled, but people can't act like there isn't a bit of a big learning curve to perp considering just how many guides there are to everything and that ultimately tutorial missions were introduced to give a light-hearted introduction to Perp.
first at all you are cop and i dont see why you are talking about it and more people in base mean the sweater will learn fast + high chance to win if he get raid

2ed thing makeing players base alone is really bad idea you can see where they place there drugs (at windos/bed room without cover etc)

asking players to say in new play home and teach him and watch him without growing is so dumb why would someone teach sweater and just watch him without growing

i agree with u that people should not base with new players and i know many people dose hide behind new players but that is not the best solution

also when i raid new players i can tell that there is so many players hide behind new players but as i said i dont think its the best solution
Breaking news: New players are basing with experienced ones, bad thing because muh noo playur door protection.

Someone basing in a larger property will almost always be in a group which alleviates the Whole “don’t raid defenceless new players” schtick. If you’re hitting a New player hicktown trailer then sure that’s a dick move but a clearly fortified large property like Hungriges isn’t necessarily an off the charts target.

Restricting who owns the property for when new players own a base is pretty daft.

I’d rather see features conceived than banning experienced players basing with new ones. It just doesn’t make sense otherwise.

The issue you are describing is virtually nonexistent, No one’s abusing anything, it’s just people seem to think that a new player tag forbids you from raiding it. If a huge property is owned, locked and seemingly a base why wouldn’t you be able to raid it? New player doors?
as ppl and even staff previously said, new player doors are harder to raid, crowbars/bobbys break easier, which is pretty much overpowered. Now, ppl normally dont raid new players thinking "Oh, theres probably only one or two dudes inside which dont know much" Well, to ur suprise! FUCK NO, theres 7 dudes with scars, mp5s and what not just sitting there, what are they supposed to do? a new player raided them, ended up dying before even getting more than 3 meters into the base, cuz he got penetrated by 4 dudes.
first at all you are cop and i dont see why you are talking about it and more people in base mean the sweater will learn fast + high chance to win if he get raid

2ed thing makeing players base alone is really bad idea you can see where they place there drugs (at windos/bed room without cover etc)

i agree with u that people should not base with new players and i know many people dose hide behind new players but that is not the best solution

also when i raid new players i can tell that there is so many players hide behind new players but as i said i dont think its the best solution
idk what the solution should be, but surely not allowing 7 experienced players to base with 1 new player, without even teaching him shit - HIS base was full of drugs, of other players, the new player? pretty certain he didnt plant shit as he still had the seeds on him xd
Some major issues with this suggestion:

1. This would de-incentivise people from taking in new players and showing them the ropes, as it could come with the potential of being banned which is something that would be terrible for player retention as new players would be less exposed to mechanics/features of the game which might captivate them to keep playing. So, just a net-negative overall.

2. You should always respect, whoever it is that you're raiding, that they will retaliate and potentially kill you. Regardless of it's a new player or not, this would simply make targeting new players easier as you know they won't/shouldn't have experienced players with them.

3. This borderline falls into targeting, why would you be upset that a new player has made friends? Are you actively seeking to raid new players for it to be enough of an issue? What real incentive does this change give that would also be beneficial for a new player?

I don't think that new players should necessarily be coddled, but people can't act like there isn't a bit of a big learning curve to perp considering just how many guides there are to everything and that ultimately tutorial missions were introduced to give a light-hearted introduction to Perp.
3. This borderline falls into targeting, why would you be upset that a new player has made friends? Are you actively seeking to raid new players for it to be enough of an issue? What real incentive does this change give that would also be beneficial for a new player?

No, i wasnt actively searching for it, as he was hiding a wanted suspect inside which was confirmed, raided the property, the new player was just afk sitting inside, and all the other experienced players were defending. How is he supposed to learn something with no firearm, just sitting afk? xd
3. This borderline falls into targeting, why would you be upset that a new player has made friends? Are you actively seeking to raid new players for it to be enough of an issue? What real incentive does this change give that would also be beneficial for a new player?

No, i wasnt actively searching for it, as he was hiding a wanted suspect inside which was confirmed, raided the property, the new player was just afk sitting inside, and all the other experienced players were defending. How is he supposed to learn something with no firearm, just sitting afk? xd
You are looking for a wanted suspect and you didn't approach that situation thinking that they would probably have a group of people with them?
You are looking for a wanted suspect and you didn't approach that situation thinking that they would probably have a group of people with them?
Now ur absolutely going away from the point of the suggestion. And the guy has been made wanted after an unsuccessful (for pd) shootout, where only 1 was alive after.
So if u dont know the FULL backstory of the situation, stick to what ive said, stick to the suggestions topic, and not some random shit
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