Ryuzaki Failing to FearRP

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Dye;n2731 said:
If you're armed and you run away the police won't give you a "chance"..
That's how accidental civilian deaths happen.

Which are uncommon.

The use of excessive force is favoured to taking the pop shots, in real life.
Dunno what fantasy land you live in, or for that matter, what violent-as-hell-comma-corrupt-police-force place you live in.


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camel;n2889 said:
Which are uncommon.

The use of excessive force is favoured to taking the pop shots, in real life.

I have no idea what point you're trying to convey here.
So you're saying the use of excessive force is favoured? I agree. That's what I'm trying to say...

By the way, you mean "pot" shots.


Dye;n2892 said:
I have no idea what point you're trying to convey here.
So you're saying the use of excessive force is favoured? I agree. That's what I'm trying to say...

By the way, you mean "pot" shots.

I said "pop shots", meaning one or two shots, not a full on spray.

Excessive force isn't the use of firearms, it is the excessive use of physical force (i.e. pushing, punching, grabbing, holding, shoving, smashing, etc).
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The garden
Dudeh said:
Luke;n2682 said:
Something to note here based on some comments - if Ryuzaki Kagura did indeed attempt to kill the mayor using a gun, then that means that Ryuzaki Kagura is carrying a gun unless he had previously dropped it.

Attempting to kill the mayor over taxes is an act of terrorism by definition.

If a suspected terrorist is fleeing with a gun, which is either concealed on in their hands, Police ARE allowed to use lethal force if the suspect is at risk of escaping.

When the suspect entered that car, and the driver assisted him, the driver became a terrorist, more or less.

The SWAT officer was seemingly alone in that chase, and the sports car presented an imminent threat of escape - lethal force was justified at that point.

Now, the SWAT officer seemed to believe that Ryuzaki Kagura was a terrorist, if he was not, then the officer was mistaken, but is still allowed to do what he did as he believed otherwise. For the wrongly-accused suspect to avoid dying wrongfully, he had the option of cooperating.

No comment as of yet about Bankai not RPing within the confines of the rules.

As you can see of Bankai's comment he was unarmed. And he was not directly involved with attacking the mayor. He lockpicked a handcuffed person. A SWAT officer would not take the chances to kill a person who simply lockpicked. And the person who got killed for assisting a guy who once again lockpicked some handcuffs did not deserve to die in anyway.
Your just trying to help him Just because he is from your org.....
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The garden
Dudeh said:
NamesInsane;n2778 said:
Ruzaki, lockpicked the cuffs of a terrorist which means that Ryuzaki also became a terrorist since he lockpicked the cuffs of a terrorist, therefore Liam chased Ryuzaki, Liam yelled "Stop" Ryuzaki refused, he then kept chasing him till he gave him warning shots. Ryuzaki still did not comply, a car out of nowhere comes and rams liam, liam had no option but to ignore it, then Ryuzaki kept running to the apartments and then jumped to the car that was ramming Liam, Liam fired at the car because that car was ramming Liam. Ryuzaki kept running. Ryuzaki did break FearRP.

He picked the cuffs yes which makes him an accomplice but he was unarmed the entire time. Thus lethal force should not have been used. Ryuzaki had a good distance on the SWAT officer to actually escape the entire time. He had a escape plan using that car. The unarmed person in the car then got killed by a government official using force once again on unarmed citizens. Ryuzaki still was a decent distance away from the SWAT officer so he could've made a run for it which he did.
watch this and think about real life...


In the beginning of the server, we had tazers. Unfortunately, they were abused a lot. i.e: Police tazing people then drag them to jail which is FailRP.
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Dudeh said:
NamesInsane;n2778 said:
Ruzaki, lockpicked the cuffs of a terrorist which means that Ryuzaki also became a terrorist since he lockpicked the cuffs of a terrorist, therefore Liam chased Ryuzaki, Liam yelled "Stop" Ryuzaki refused, he then kept chasing him till he gave him warning shots. Ryuzaki still did not comply, a car out of nowhere comes and rams liam, liam had no option but to ignore it, then Ryuzaki kept running to the apartments and then jumped to the car that was ramming Liam, Liam fired at the car because that car was ramming Liam. Ryuzaki kept running. Ryuzaki did break FearRP.

He picked the cuffs yes which makes him an accomplice but he was unarmed the entire time. Thus lethal force should not have been used. Ryuzaki had a good distance on the SWAT officer to actually escape the entire time. He had a escape plan using that car. The unarmed person in the car then got killed by a government official using force once again on unarmed citizens. Ryuzaki still was a decent distance away from the SWAT officer so he could've made a run for it which he did.
To answer your comment. In that situation the person shot at the police. So your point is invalid. If you're trying to be a smartass by sending a video that resembles this situation in no possible way. I suggest you don't do it in the future and at least watch the youtube video and listen to what is said in it before you make a comment like this again. In the video the man shot at them and showed no signs of letting the gun go thus they had to use lethal force.
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its a different think so open a new Thread next time
again you uploaded only a few sec of the situation. Good that i was there to see what happend because this demo shows that YOU are doing fail rp, there was a Police raid you god cuffed for your own safty and the you think that best you can do is to run into the bullts?
you are so hell-bend on punish people for failrp i think the best way is that we will do it know.
I will give you a break for 1 day
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Dudeh said:
Luke;n2682 said:
Something to note here based on some comments - if Ryuzaki Kagura did indeed attempt to kill the mayor using a gun, then that means that Ryuzaki Kagura is carrying a gun unless he had previously dropped it.

Attempting to kill the mayor over taxes is an act of terrorism by definition.

If a suspected terrorist is fleeing with a gun, which is either concealed on in their hands, Police ARE allowed to use lethal force if the suspect is at risk of escaping.

When the suspect entered that car, and the driver assisted him, the driver became a terrorist, more or less.

The SWAT officer was seemingly alone in that chase, and the sports car presented an imminent threat of escape - lethal force was justified at that point.

Now, the SWAT officer seemed to believe that Ryuzaki Kagura was a terrorist, if he was not, then the officer was mistaken, but is still allowed to do what he did as he believed otherwise. For the wrongly-accused suspect to avoid dying wrongfully, he had the option of cooperating.

No comment as of yet about Bankai not RPing within the confines of the rules.

As you can see of Bankai's comment he was unarmed. And he was not directly involved with attacking the mayor. He lockpicked a handcuffed person. A SWAT officer would not take the chances to kill a person who simply lockpicked. And the person who got killed for assisting a guy who once again lockpicked some handcuffs did not deserve to die in anyway.
If he's In my org or not has nothing to do with this. I'm pointing out the facts that you obviously don't have common sense. And I do help the people that are being reported for reason that are not valid. You "suspect" him of breaking fearrp when In the same video you broke more rules in such a few seconds than I've seen in a long time.
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to the first video: the suspect is very far away so its nearly impossible for you to shoot him in the leg to slow him down. to the point that cops are shooting unarmed guys: when a cop of a special force like the swat in real life killed someone he become taken in custody and a investigation for muder has to be done. to the situation with the car: it could be that he has threaten the driver to help him so the swat shot a innocent civilian.
btw: in germany this "pop shots" are completely forbidden because they could hurt a civilian
all in all the swat should call backup when he is in a situation like that so the "normal" cops can manage this way better
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The garden
I could kill him because he almost freed a guy who almost kill mayor'

EDIT: I could shoot his legs i said to him to stop 2 times he didn't and its fearrp
EDIT2: In real life he could die

IF does it again i am gonna kill him....
EDIT3: If i was him i would stop for my life.....

Fixed quadruple post. Are you serious? -Ruby


This isn't Facebook; You don't need to make four posts to convey your message.
This is relevant to this thread as it shows how impulsive you are, and how you may not know how to handle a situation effectively.
Either way, your demo shows the use of unnecessary force through the use of a firearm. Dudeh has proven this through his earlier post: http://perpheads.com/forum/server/se...earrp#post2592

  • §3(b) (3) Using lethal force is only allowed if you or another individual are in immediate danger. You may not open fire unless a suspect uses his/her weapon against you or another person. (1) Officers have to stop speeding cars without the use of lethal weapons.
  • §3(b) (4) The use of less-than-lethal force is allowed to bring down non-compliant suspects. Excessive police brutality will not be tolerated.

Your original demo does not show any context in which the highlighted rule would have been abided by. In fact, it should be enforced upon you.
(An admin already mentioned that your second demo needed a separate thread, but: ) Your second demo doesn't even show who the killer was. It just shows a player enraged that he got RDM'd. How can you be sure who it was? Where did someone confess? Where did you see him shoot you from? The demo shows nothing.

I get the feeling that by this point, it's been a few days, and most of the community is against you, and you're just hanging onto the line of stubbornness. Serious RP and situations alike or not, that rule was not followed, according to the proof (note: proof, not hear/say) that you've provided.

If I were you I'd access that demo of yours and record the whole situation, not only the section which is convenient to you. There being a YouTube video with the GUI control panel proves that you have the footage of the event which caused you to chase the suspect down and shoot at him. If you uploaded that, then your word would be backed up by the proof, but if not, then you're at a loss here.

Good luck.
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The garden
The admins could know who did what and killed who so they would know that banaki rdm'd me...
they are just trying to let him out trouble they are just fucking sitting down and doesn't listen to shit and i got proof of what they did
Just fail admins and now i am getting banned again just for saying this...


Liam Holder;n3143 said:
The admins could know who did what and killed who so they would know that banaki rdm'd me...
they are just trying to let him out trouble they are just fucking sitting down and doesn't listen to shit and i got proof of what they did
Just fail admins and now i am getting banned again just for saying this...

That's a terrible way of thinking about it. Logs are logs. Your demo doesn't show what time you got killed, so tracking that VERY specific time in the logs, and actually giving a damn for someone as stubborn and inept as yourself, might not be the best interest for the administrators' time schedule. What you need to realize is this: Logs aren't magic. There is a huge limit to which logs remain helpful, hence the server auto-recording demos. So, before you say they're just sitting down not listening to shit, you have to think about why you believe that. Is it because your ego is making you think that way? Or is it because deep down you realize how unhelpful you are being in your own thread?

Again, go to an earlier time in your original demo and prove that he deserved to be shot at. If not, I can guarantee you the administrators will give up on you and just close this thread soon enough.
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Please post the full demo for us. I would like to see it.
This video only show at that time and not before.
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i am closing that now, if you have somthing to add, please contact me on steam or per PM
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