Scrabuz' Enforcer Application

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ROLEPLAY NAME: Jaden Rogerson

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:84625012

AGE: 23

WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE AN ENFORCER?: Hello there! I’d like to introduce myself to anyone who I have not yet had the opportunity to really talk to in person. My name’s Jaden, I’m 23 years old and work as a paramedic for a local fire department. I first joined PERPHeads back in July/August 2014 and played actively from that time till about 2019/2020 when I stopped actively playing the server. I have not left the community however. If you know me more closely you’ll know that I’ll usually keep most of my opinions to myself unless you directly ask me for it, which is also the reason I find it a bit hard to just post stuff on random threads. But I do keep an eye on most of what’s going on which I have continued doing even through my about 3.5 year long hiatus from the server. Ever since returning to the server I’ve felt like the love I had for the game and the community, which I had somewhat lost prior to my hiatus, had fully returned. I met old friends and made many new ones all the while trying to help people who struggled with the rules on their way to understanding them (I prefer to educate people on what they did wrong and assist them in learning and preventing mistakes in the future, rather than flat-out punishing people, even though at times that is the only/most effective way and playing in a way that was not disruptive to the experience of other players. During the time I have played (currently sitting at 2 months, 24 days and 8 hours) I have kept a more or less clean record (last punishment was in October 2014 I believe) and gained an extensive knowledge of the servers rules and the cities laws. I primarily play as a police officer, serving as a Staff Sergeant of Patrol Command, IA investigator and complaint committee member, having previously served in many different roles, including command, before my hiatus. I am confident the experience I have gained during the many hours as a supervisor on-duty, as well as the countless hours spent dealing with investigating misconduct will help me greatly in my capacity as staff member, as the skillset is somewhat similar. I am certain that having me on the staff team will greatly benefit the community as I am highly motivated to go and help keep the experience as fun as possible for everyone. In the end I would really just like to give something back to the community and feel like this is the best way for me to do it.

DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY?: Thanks for taking your time to read my application!

Role Requirements
Your application will be rejected if you do not meet these requirements

  • Your total time played on the server must be at least one week
  • You must not have any in-game bans, warnings or blacklists on the server or forums in the last month
  • You must have an extensive knowledge and understanding of the server rules and laws to the extent where you can enforce them
  • You must have access to and use a microphone
  • You must maintain an active presence on Community Platforms e.g. Discord and Forums
  • You must not have been rejected for a staff role in the last 1 month
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England,United Kingdom
Scrabuz is a good candidate for Enforcer for several reasons, he is always calm and collected, from what I've seen when patrolling with him and interacting with him in any capacity is that he always thinks before acting, considering his several years of experience with PERP and within the positions that he has held within the PD are a good testament to his character and that he would be a reliable pair of hands to go to.
I wish you luck mate.
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United Kingdom
Scrabuz what a guy...
There is no doubt in my huge brain (very very small) that he would make a tremendous enforcer/mod

He has great patience with anyone regardless if they are brand new to the server or have been here for years he still takes the time to explain things to them and help them rather than just getting frustrated and lashing back. An example recently is when he explained via LOOC to a new player WHY that shouldn't be done rather than saying don't do that - great trait

The list is truly endless as to why Scrabuz would make an excellent addition to the Perpheads staff team! Yes I am friends with Scrabuz but that isn't why I am supporting this application I am supporting it as I know regardless of his personal feelings towards someone he will be able to uphold the standard of roleplay we have all come to expect

Good luck mate!
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+1 really nice person to be around and patrol with knows the rules very well would be great addition to administration team