(SERIOUS) What is important to you in life, and how do you plan on attaining those things?

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Title says it all.

Kinda deep post, I just want to know what you guys are looking for in life. What is your end goal? Your life goal? Why do you do the things you do on a daily basis?

For example, for me, I just want to have my own family and take care of it. That's the only one goal I have had since little that has never ever changed. I kinda don't give a fuck about work if not for the fact that it brings money necessary for sustaining a family. But it's not my life goal, even though I am very successful. It's just not something I actively chase.
perp unban

i want children who are not burdened by the same disproportionately stacked against them circumstances (as far as western first-world society goes) and mental illnesses/trauma that i got stuck with - essentially just giving them a good environment with good chances and listening to their concerns and seeking extensive therapy to ensure i act in the best way possible and feel truly ready when i have a family

also adhd screening at a young age lol
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what do you need to be able to enjoy life to the fullest?
I get that with Perpheads loading screen and mangdondal nuggets

Most important thing to me is to be myself over what people want me to be, I am the master of my own destiny and will not be swayed.
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I want to find something to do with my life that does good, still not sure what that should be, so until then, just make enough money to get by.
I think getting rich is a terrible dream or achievement that people have, and it's not really a goal for mine. I've met plenty of wealthy people trough work i've done and i've just felt really sorry for a lot of them to be honest. Most of them we're genuinely assholes too. I'm aware that im in quite a luxury position that i don't have to worry about bills and if i can make ends meet, and that many people dream of that alone. But that's all i really want. If you have fuck you levels of money, you won't have a single bit of privacy. You will constantly worry if your friends are actually your friends, or that they just like the fancy pool you have in your yard. Your family will always come to you for money, and get mad at you if you dont want to give them money.

I think the most important thing in life is to not be influenced by anyone. Not dumb instagram influencers but not your family either. Even when people think they mean the best for you, you should always trust your own judgement. I've regretted not having taken opportunities because i was influenced by family to not do it. I rather regret having done something, than regret never having taken the chance wondering why i didn't and what would've happened to me if i did. I'm going to do what i love doing now, but i could've done it 4 years earlier and without having spend a few grand on college tuition which i dropped out of :dead:

My dream goal is to buy a large bus, and convert it to an RV and just travel all around the world. I want to do this waaay before retirement by just saving as much as i can, not having children at a stupidly young age. I've had a pretty rough childhood and i would only ever want kids if i can guarantee them a worry free childhood. I'd probably work from 'home' in there and just travel, only really needing the money for diesel and groceries and just living on the road.
I think getting rich is a terrible dream or achievement that people have, and it's not really a goal for mine. I've met plenty of wealthy people trough work i've done and i've just felt really sorry for a lot of them to be honest. Most of them we're genuinely assholes too. I'm aware that im in quite a luxury position that i don't have to worry about bills and if i can make ends meet, and that many people dream of that alone. But that's all i really want. If you have fuck you levels of money, you won't have a single bit of privacy. You will constantly worry if your friends are actually your friends, or that they just like the fancy pool you have in your yard. Your family will always come to you for money, and get mad at you if you dont want to give them money.

I think the most important thing in life is to not be influenced by anyone. Not dumb instagram influencers but not your family either. Even when people think they mean the best for you, you should always trust your own judgement. I've regretted not having taken opportunities because i was influenced by family to not do it. I rather regret having done something, than regret never having taken the chance wondering why i didn't and what would've happened to me if i did. I'm going to do what i love doing now, but i could've done it 4 years earlier and without having spend a few grand on college tuition which i dropped out of :dead:

My dream goal is to buy a large bus, and convert it to an RV and just travel all around the world. I want to do this waaay before retirement by just saving as much as i can, not having children at a stupidly young age. I've had a pretty rough childhood and i would only ever want kids if i can guarantee them a worry free childhood. I'd probably work from 'home' in there and just travel, only really needing the money for diesel and groceries and just living on the road.
My dream goal is to be go up to my parents and say you never have to work again. I want to have a large house and a large variety of cars and have a shoe collection. Generally want to have fun and live the full experience and die with good memories