Should we switch from Teamspeak to Discord?

PERPHeads TeamSpeak 3 or Discord?

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Leeds, England.
Hi there guys!

It's no secret that Discord has become extremely prominent in gaming communities, and most of you guys probably already use it.

For the past few years we've been using TeamSpeak to communicate for pretty much everything, but it can be a little clunky and annoying to use which likely stops newer community members from joining to have a chat.

What do you guys think? Should we stick with TeamSpeak or move over to Discord?
Technically speaking we could have both but that might divide the community between 2 message boards. Nowadays more people have TS3 and Teamspeak is better for shit like meetings and all that, whilst discord feels a bit more toy-like in my opinion.
As much as I like Discord, I find Teamspeak a lot easier for larger communities.

While ranks exist on Discord, Teamspeak actually allows you to have different badges displayed next to your name which makes for better recognition of people. Sure you can technically do that with "Invisible" discord ranks, but the overview on Teamspeak is much easier.

I also like the teamspeak channel management more. A chat for every talk channel is great, but I also love the idea of different chats for different ranks.

My personal opinion: Teamspeak works best for a community, and discord would work better for management positions like Staff Team and Police Department.
I definitely think Teamspeak is more suitable for the community and I agree with KeiwaM when he says Teamspeak is better for management and recognition. I just think it would be more appropriate than Discord due to the easier management features available. With Teamspeak, there are no annoying text-based channels and it is less aids, especially considering you can easily disconnect and reconnect.
I think it’s time to upgrade lol. Teamspeak looks like shit and the look is like driving a Volkswagen beetle on Miami Beach... Discord looks so much more fresh and organized and the UI is designed so that newbies have no trouble getting around.

If we’re going to move Staff and PLPD Slack to Discord then why not do the same for teamspeak?
I would disagree with moving Slack to Discord due to having no mobile notifications and if I turn them on for the Discord server on PC, it turns them on for all servers which I wouldn't want.
I feel like Discord will help the community communicate more via general chat channels etc and will become the new shoutbox basically.

However, the only downside for me is the way peoples voice change and it doesnt sounds as clear to me and that it's harder to see peoples ranks. Such as on TS if I wanna talk to a TFU trainer i can easily find one but on discord I won't be able to see their ranks without clicking on them etc.

Also on Discord you can't have channel descriptions and I like the memes some people have in their channel descriptions
have fun spending money to get any decent quality
If it aint broke don't fix it.

Changing to discord will mean either the "general" text chat in the discord server becomes meaningless because people will just talk in the shoutbox on the forums, or the shoutbox will become useless because everyone will be talking on discord.

Teamspeak is fast and easy to connect to and in general it just looks better aesthetically because of how simple everything is on there.
I have to say this I can understand why some people like Discord, before I've always been against Discord in any way, however Discord have become better at some things and it is great for customizing your own stuff for smaller communinities, but I have to agree with @KeiwaM (wow bro this is acc happening) that it works better for smaller communities such as friends playing games together or something in that way.

I've joined communities on DayZ with discord and such and for that Discord isn't the way to go, it's cluttered and you get notifications from every single channel without muting them which is just... cancer.

And I definitely agree with @Mage statement that if it isn't broke then don't fix it. Teamspeak is faster and has a simple layout for the user which fits our needs witihin our community. I want Teamspeak to stay.
ts imo is outdated I only ever use ts for perp so I don't usually check-in etc as I do with other servers in discord