Background: The slump city bloods formed out of necessity in the Slims apartment building. They are known as slump city because they are very protective of their area, and are willing to commit all crimes.
Shotcaller (Leader rank) - John Dempsey
Original Gangster or OG (Right hand rank) -
Gangster or G (Enforcer rank) - Donald Sivorn
Young Gangster or YG (Member rank) -
Rank Background: The Shotcaller runs the whole entire gang, the shotcaller also rallies his members to commit crimes and is a ruthless individual. The Original Gangsters run the set or an area of that specific gang. The gangsters made their way up the ladder and oversee the operations of the YG's on a day to day basis. The job of the YG is to put in work for the gang, by selling drugs, and protecting his area. The job of the G is to organize attacks against those working against the organization. The OG's word is final on all decisions.
Area of Operations:
We are currently a gang operating out of the Slums apartments, we are looking to portray a blood set at the street level to the best of our ability. We hope that you stop by and role-play with us.
You must own or live in an apartment in the Slums apartments next to PD.
You must approach us in character and be recruited in character.
Cars are recommended.
Your own weapons are recommended.
Common Language:
These are some normal terms for our characters to use;
Blood, Ru, Piru, Slump Bity, Bity, Bool, Brackin. Basically use blood lingo, do some research.
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