Small Fan-Made Infection Event Trailer

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North East England (UK)
So as some people know I usually make a fan-made trailer for the much beloved Zombie Event and each year I like to try and step up my game. I started making these back in 2016. Due to good feedback and from the looks of enjoyment out of the community I decided to turn it into my thing. I have always enjoyed making videos for Perpheads and have been since early 2016 however the amount of content I have been creating has been at an all-time low this year. Now for the 2017 video, I got about halfway through and I was stumped for any practical ideas due to the soundtrack I was using (Link to that unfinished video will be in the "Older Vids" spoiler)

Now for the 2018 video. Due to my PC dying recently I have not been able to make the full-scale video that I wanted, however, I was able to make a little short one instead of not doing anything. I tried my best and made it was cinematic as possible but we all know before watching it there will be hiccups. There may be one or two lag spikes and the script error notification is there too and I was not able to remove it without restarting the game which I was not prepared to do as I had already made the set. Now I understand that the ending might be a bit of a "wat" and looks rushed but I had no idea how to make it smoother as the NPC was just hitting the bodies on the ground and the audio I was using kinda requires longer footage which is why it sounds fast/rush. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy the small video I made and I am sorry if it feels choppy at all. Enjoy!
This is a short fan-made video I made for the infection event. I try to do these annually but sometimes encounter problems (Read long explanation for details) I tried my best with my current hardware and what was available. I hope you enjoy!

P.S the obvious issues such as lag and script error notifications I know about so don't bother pointing them out but if you see any others feel free to let me know. Also, like always I am open for constructive feedback so I can improve future projects.

also to remove the script error thing,
cl_Drawhud 0 will do the job just fine I believe.
Good video, I did expect that last thing tbh, since I watch a lot of horror movies.

(btw: The event in Europe time is 20:00 Right??