Solo city travels

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I’m looking at doing a few days in a few different city’s across Europe next year.
I’ve got on my list so far Milan, Munich, Madrid and Amsterdam. I’m ideally thinking of doing one city per country at the moment and potentially do more in the future.
Is there any city’s people would recommended to visit or anyone from any places I’ve listed that have a few things I could do? (already planning on going the football stadiums at each city, mainly the reasons I’m going them)
I only get 20 days to book off a year (4 weeks paid at Christmas on top of the 20 days) so would be 3/4 days in each place max.
I’d be jumping country too country as well over the days as I’ll more then likely make the most of the bank holidays in May and have the full month off.
I was in Porto for two weeks last year and can only recommend it. Port wine should be enough reason to go there on its own.

Also come to the Ruhrgebiet in western germany!
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Bydgoszcz in Poland.

Poland overall is really cheap, there's a couple stadiums you can go to.
Food, accommodation and transport, all cheap.
I would recommend going to the historical POI's such as the old market, there are rows of shops, restaurants, bars, nightclubs. I'm not into any of the drinking.

The only thing I will warn you about is the drunkies, but when I was there literally today, it was really calm and awesome.

Feel free to message me about any details regarding any other part of Poland, DISCORD or forums pms.
Bydgoszcz in Poland.

Poland overall is really cheap, there's a couple stadiums you can go to.
Food, accommodation and transport, all cheap.
I would recommend going to the historical POI's such as the old market, there are rows of shops, restaurants, bars, nightclubs. I'm not into any of the drinking.

The only thing I will warn you about is the drunkies, but when I was there literally today, it was really calm and awesome.

Feel free to message me about any details regarding any other part of Poland, DISCORD or forums pms.
Foreigners stole my phone in Gdansk and too many whores in poland cant walk down the street without getting targetted (stay away from poland)
I recommend you avoid amsterdam and see Rotterdam and/or the Hague instead. Unless you really like tourist traps.
Mainly wanna go for the Johan Cruyff arena, and the truffles etc. And of course I want too go down the red light district (not too shag them) I genuinely want too see what it’s like. Anne Franks house/Attic, and the art museum. I’ve also not looked where this city is so I may be able to do all this anyway.
I recommend you avoid amsterdam and see Rotterdam and/or the Hague instead. Unless you really like tourist traps.
Amsterdam is nice to see if you never been to the netherlands before. The hague is boring asf and when you visit Rotterdam you need a bulletproof vest otherwise you wont survive it there.

But I would recommend to go to Prague.
As a Europe expert I reccomend staying in this zone. The further you move out in any direction, the less civilized it becomes

Foreigners stole my phone in Gdansk and too many whores in poland cant walk down the street without getting targetted (stay away from poland)
That's Gdansk, you only go there if you have a flight. The East sucks, the West is greater.
+ Sopot or Toruń are a whole lot nicer.
You should go to Jaywick if you wanna see what a fallout game set in the UK would look and feel like.

On a more serious note, stavanger in norway was one of the nicest cities I've been to.
I’m looking at doing a few days in a few different city’s across Europe next year.
I’ve got on my list so far Milan, Munich, Madrid and Amsterdam. I’m ideally thinking of doing one city per country at the moment and potentially do more in the future.
Is there any city’s people would recommended to visit or anyone from any places I’ve listed that have a few things I could do? (already planning on going the football stadiums at each city, mainly the reasons I’m going them)
I only get 20 days to book off a year (4 weeks paid at Christmas on top of the 20 days) so would be 3/4 days in each place max.
I’d be jumping country too country as well over the days as I’ll more then likely make the most of the bank holidays in May and have the full month off.