Some New Props?

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Topic: New Props

Short explanation (in notes):
- Add new props (Title says it all pretty much)

Detailed description (why should it become added/...): So I got the idea of making this suggestion because it would be alot easier to build bases with wooden pillars/Large wooden boards (2 x bigger in length than the current ones). And some of the props would be better for building houses/shops making them much nicer inside.

Optional additions:

Screenshots of the props that could possibly be added:


Feel free to suggest other props.

Prop item names:
The metal fence thing: models/props_building_details/Storefront_Template001a_Bars.mdl
Table with the computer on it: models/props/cs_italy/it_mkt_table2.mdl
Table with the plant pot on it: models\props/CS_militia/table_shed.mdl
Bar stool: models\props/CS_militia/barstool01.mdl
Bench: models\props/CS_militia/wood_bench.mdl
Bin: models\props/cs_office/trash_can.mdl
Metal Shelf: models\props/cs_office/Shelves_metal.mdl
Plant Pot: models\props/cs_office/plant01.mdl
Phone: models\props/cs_office/phone.mdl
Computer moniter: models\props/cs_office/computer.mdl
Office chair: models\props/cs_office/Chair_office.mdl
Globe thing: models/props_combine/breenglobe.mdl
Small thin wooden pole/board: models/props_debris/wood_board02a.mdl
Wooden Pillar thing: models/props_debris/wood_board07a.mdl
Large wooden board: models/props_debris/wood_board05a.mdl
Small Wooden Fence: models/props_wasteland/wood_fence02a.mdl
Metal sheet thing: models/props_debris/metal_panel01a.mdl (It's not in the picture but it would be quite cool for building stuff with)
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I have no problem with adding more items possible, but one useful thing you could do to help me out with this would be to right click the spawn icon in sandbox mode and copy to clipboard then post a list of the different paths it copies here of the models you showed. Then I don't have to locate each prop you put into that picture if I can even identify it. Of course some may not make it in, but I will give a thorough look at each first.
right click the spawn icon in sandbox mode and copy to clipboard then post a list of the different paths it copies here of the models you showed.

I think atleast one of these props would be very cool to have:


which is : models/props_lab/blastdoor001c.mdl

or the small one


which is : models/props_lab/blastdoor001b.mdl

and maybe this cute thing:


you can put weapons on there etc

model = models/props/CS_militia/shelves.mdl

or this thing:


you can put stuff on these too

model = models/props/CS_militia/shelves_wood.mdl



imagine all your org members sitting around this table.

model = models/props/cs_office/Table_meeting.mdl
I like the table idea along with the shelves, but the doors are too excessive. They are even banned in most DarkRP servers.

Not too sure about the metal fence either, as it isn't the most beautiful prop. But apart from that! Great suggestion!
The only thing I wouldn't want to see is the iron fence thing. It gives off a very DarkRPy vibe.
A side note: please leave this suggestion open for further prop ideas/suggestions.Thank you @Ash for unlocking this.

Kitchen table/Shed table (CS:S):

Left prop/Kitchen table: models/props/cs_militia/table_kitchen.mdl
Right prop/Shed table: models/props/cs_militia/table_shed.mdl

Furniture table (A better looking (IMO) coffee table we currently have)(HL2):

Furniture table: models/props_c17/furnituretable003a.mdl

Bar/Metal stool(HL2), would be available in the chair shop and also be usable like any other chair:

Bar/Metal stool: models/props_c17/chair_stool01a.mdl

Furniture chair(HL2), would be available in the chair shop and also be usable like any other chair:

Furniture chair: models/props_interiors/furniture_chair01a.mdl

Fold/Controlroom chair(HL2), would be available in the chair shop and also be usable like any other chair:

Fold/Controlroom chair: models/props_wasteland/controlroom_chair001a.mdl​
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