Something english only something

English only In-Character

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 26.1%
  • No

    Votes: 34 73.9%

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The idea of "English only" in IC has been discussed and will be put up in the next admin meeting.
This has brought something to my mind randomly:
If you are getting gunpointed and the armed gunmen tells you to follow him in another language but you don't understand and get shot which one of you is in the wrong?
Did he break 2.5 or did you break 3.4?

I feel like the general discussion could be resumed here too.
Having "English Only" IC is dumb. I remember once, as a cop, I was able to easily end a hostage situation by speaking to the hostage in German to gather information lmao
It should be English only for rp sits which can include planning/discussing a raid/criminal activities. I'd like to still hear different languages though, that being said with how briefly written the rules are already this will not work lmfao
Posting for @Naked Snake cuz he's a forum banned pleb+I'd say the same shit anyways

Ight, this is fucking stupid. Literally, this is the worst fucking idea I have heard of. Restricting languages is so fucking stupid and it LITERALLY HAS NO PURPOSE other than giving bilinguals a disadvantage. Advantages are there to be used. If I was in a situation with a cop where he was infront of me pointing a gun, and I had a friend behind the cop, ofc I would tell him in another language to kill him. Only having english as the language INGAME is frankly stupid. don't be dumb as a rock
server has been up since 2013 with people talking different languages in character all the time, dont see why its suddenly an issue now tbh
Different languages hasn't even crossed my mind, it's completely natural to me, someone speaks a different language? Just another challenge to overcome, learn some key words of that language and you can get a grasp of some of the things that's being discussed mid-situation.

We should never default to one language, some people aren't comfortable enough with English and prefer to speak their own language among friends and organization members like Olsen Banden who mostly speak danish, some probably norwegian and swedish as well.
Scandinavians have it easy when it comes to olsen, it's not too difficult to understand their language for us cause it's all too similar to our own, it's like a dialect more or less.

Either way, no this isn't necessary and only discourages people from planning on the go when it is required, this also forces roleplay to go down a single path where everyone understands each other and have to improvise with fake callouts which could turn to confusion among team members.

This has never been an issue, don't need to fix what isn't broken.