Something you are proud of?

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United Kingdom, Southampton
I want to hear about some of your achievements and something that you can say that you are proud of whether it's getting a job, to eating a bit of fish that taste's like a dogs bum hole.

Please don't make them completely stupid.

I saved my 94 year old grandad that passed last week from getting flattened by a steam roller, at a old car show.

Funny story, but true.
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Giving contra to my schools principle because I "was not allowed to call an ambulance myself" and nearly getting him fired.

Some guy collapsed during pause, got a laceration at the back of his head, had an irregular pulse and low blood pressure, I called 112 (emergency number for EMS/FD in Germany) and called an ambo. He comes up to me the day after and tells me I was not allowed to because fuck knows and he was thinking of a proper way of punishment. @Cole du kennst ja den R.
I am proud of me for almost getting my Bachelor's degree for being a nurse. I just need 1 more year till my end project.
I am proud of myself for having friends like I have now, mates I can fall back on when I have a shitty day, mates I can play games I like with, friends that I can tell everything.
I am proud of myself to succeed in my internship on the Inten Medicine in the Bravis Hospital.
I am proud of myself getting my degree on high school with all my lads and lasses who degreed with me that year.
I am proud that I was part in the biggest organisation in Evocity and that I was the most well known player when it came to roleplaying and raider.
I am proud that I was the richest man, excluding admins, in evocity.
I am proud to be part of the biggest organisation in Para Lake.
I am proud that I made some good friends in Paralake.
I am proud of my parents for doing all the great things they do to give me the best life possible.
I am proud that I went in the Space Mountain in Disney Land Paris while I am scared as **** for roller coasters.
I am proud of myself for being myself in every situation I walk against