Staff issue

Barry Dickens is chill af, it’s that scruffy Barry Barret that you need to watch out for
I'll be real honest here. Half the reports we get is "I got RDM".

I think this problem can be solved by making the report form better and forcing you to provide more info. Right now it's too easy to make a report putting in absolutely no effort because it's just a chatbox. (unless this was already changed, I haven't been on the server in ages)

There should be more options/requirements before creating a report, like a player picker, a multi select of which rules were broken, a description of why the selected rules were broken (with a minimum characters requirement), etc. All the given details could then be formatted as a message in the existing reports chatbox.
I know that quality is what you are looking for in a staff team. But sometimes it takes hiring the ones that aren't your first pick in order to get the quality that you are looking for some people are made to fit into the role and not just come naturally. I genuinely think that far to many people are passed up on for little to no reason. That is why this server goes through so many staff members because everyone wants to be it until there is 1 or 2 people on duty. The same people that aren't accepting these enforcer applications are the same ones who don't take reports.

Just give people that are active in the community and actually care about the game mode a chance to prove you wrong. Interacting on the stupid ass forums or discord can come in time. You dont wake up one day and just be an amazing enforcer or admin it comes in time.
This unfortunately is a bias that many servers have
The fact of the matter is that some users simply DO NOT HAVE more information to provide you. I have been RDM'd as a user numerous times while alt tabbed or just by being shot in the back of the head out of nowhere, and the only information I have is that I was RDM'd and the location it happened. Some in this thread are either completely missing the point (the server needs more staff) or are choosing to avoid the point to argue in bad faith (RDM report bad).

The real time-sink reports are the ones that claim someone broke gunpoint or something but refuse to provide evidence yet incessantly request that staff look at their demo. In this case, I would just tell the users that the burden of proof lies on them, and that I am busy dealing with more than just their report. If they want the report to be concluded, they should go into their demo themselves to prove what they claim.

If there are 4 admins capable of handling reports online, and the server is full, all 4 of the admins should be helping with reports, ideally. However, I recall this barely ever being the case, and most reports being left to one or two individuals whilst the others choose to enjoy playing instead. And who is to blame them? This again leads to the problem simply being under-staffing. I've been on the server for around 45m just now (full 128 pop), and there have been 3 staff online who handle reports.

Which admin will step up to the plate and organize the first Perphead's Enforcer Fair? I'll happily help.
It's simple, Your shouldn't be staffmember If u cannot commit your whole life on perpheads.

You can't expect to be 50% school boy and 50% Moderator on a serious RP server as a grown ass man.