Staff issue

bring back @Valentine @Pugga @Dom_ @Dave @dog easy solution :cool:
Bring back staff that were known to be bias and then proved to us all that they’re willing to break the rules, by metagaming and god knows what else happened in that gc? I understand that their bias and malpractice benefits you, however that is nothing but harmful thinking and toxic towards the greater community.
I’m just saying if we gave people chances instead of denying them for “not being active in the discord or forums” we wouldn’t have these problems.

Or just other stupid reasons
People are denied because they are either retarded or don't have the rule knowledge. Not being active on the forums is a nice way of saying the job isn't for you.
Just thought I would leave this here as well
I also think people forget staff aren’t always on has they also have a life behind the scene of perp and also have other stuff going on like personal stuff they won’t focus there life on the game hence why there isn’t always a lot of staff on

Also staff have different time hours as well I’m in the UK but still come on early in the morning just because I know there isn’t any helpers on so I come on to take that side of things off staff so they don’t need to worry about that

Also when they do get stupid reports and they have to then spend stupid amount of time dealing with it as well like opening demos and stuff like that

But it’s also like steelo said sometimes you can’t get a clip so staff have to demo request people then but it would also save time for staff if you could get your own demo for them so they can deal with reports so there isn’t a big back log on them ethier
Also if people here really believe that any bloke should just be put in the staff team because they are active or nice have a look at this gem. Rule knowledge is extremely important not just for the complainant / defendant in a report but also to efficiently being able to handle reports.

And then steelo is right. 9/10 reports are 'I got RDM'd' with no further context, Those reports take a lot of time and create a backlog because people are either to lazy to record with medal and would rather send demo's over for a trivial thing.

so short answer is, if people learn how to make usefull and competent reports a lot of issues are solved. This will also solve it for people who already make detailed reports as the staff can get there quicker.

Bring back staff that were known to be bias and then proved to us all that they’re willing to break the rules, by metagaming and god knows what else happened in that gc? I understand that their bias and malpractice benefits you, however that is nothing but harmful thinking and toxic towards the greater community.
It's absurd that you are the one to make these points, you have 2 bans for metagaming, which means you were willing to continue breaking the rules despite being punished for it before and in one of said bans you were metagaming with your friend to give him a gun so he can MassRDM. You also boast in your signature about how you had to be told to stop mugging sweater were you averaged mugging 2 new players a day. Had anyone but you made these points I wouldn't reply as it is their place to think that way, but I'd argue that your ban record and signature is evidence that you are nothing but toxic and harmful to the community. You're just being a hypocrite who wants to disagree with people for the sake of an argument.
It's absurd that you are the one to make these points, you have 2 bans for metagaming, which means you were willing to continue breaking the rules despite being punished for it before and in one of said bans you were metagaming with your friend to give him a gun so he can MassRDM. You also boast in your signature about how you had to be told to stop mugging sweater were you averaged mugging 2 new players a day. Had anyone but you made these points I wouldn't reply as it is their place to think that way, but I'd argue that your ban record and signature is evidence that you are nothing but toxic and harmful to the community. You're just being a hypocrite who wants to disagree with people for the sake of an argument.
Damn it got so bad Tunnels had to step in
It's absurd that you are the one to make these points, you have 2 bans for metagaming, which means you were willing to continue breaking the rules despite being punished for it before and in one of said bans you were metagaming with your friend to give him a gun so he can MassRDM. You also boast in your signature about how you had to be told to stop mugging sweater were you averaged mugging 2 new players a day. Had anyone but you made these points I wouldn't reply as it is their place to think that way, but I'd argue that your ban record and signature is evidence that you are nothing but toxic and harmful to the community. You're just being a hypocrite who wants to disagree with people for the sake of an argument.
I completely agree, I was excessively negative and did metagame, i my opinion I should’ve been banned longer then a year. However one is almost 2 years old and your clear bias is making you neglect the fact that MULTIPLE trusted staff members, some being within the community for nearly 10 years (so fuck knows how long they were rule breaking for) all decided to willingly come together within a gc. Keep in mind these were the same people serving out punishments all while doing this.

So yes I did metagaming whilst I was a new player with irl friends, then we got caught and I stopped. Then I got into gmod with a different irl friend group and metagamed (knowing I’d been caught previous) and then again we got caught and we were banned for 1 year (should’ve been).

i understand your stance but previous rule breaks do not completely exempt me from criticising the acceptance of abusive staff.

(Last I checked over 5 staff members and more respected members is much worse then two low tiers serial DD campers)
I completely agree, I was excessively negative and did metagame, i my opinion I should’ve been banned longer then a year. However one is almost 2 years old and your clear bias is making you neglect the fact that MULTIPLE trusted staff members, some being within the community for nearly 10 years (so fuck knows how long they were rule breaking for) all decided to willingly come together within a gc. Keep in mind these were the same people serving out punishments all while doing this.

So yes I did metagaming whilst I was a new player with irl friends, then we got caught and I stopped. Then I got into gmod with a different irl friend group and metagamed (knowing I’d been caught previous) and then again we got caught and we were banned for 1 year (should’ve been).

i understand your stance but previous rule breaks do not completely exempt me from criticising the acceptance of abusive staff.

(Last I checked over 5 staff members and more respected members is much worse then two low tiers serial DD campers)
Calling Jack biased is like calling the pope a muslim. If anything he is right, the fact you are still showing the achievement about being caught by Bolli shows you really haven't changed a lot.

Also I don't think I have ever read something as hypcritical as the bullshit you spit out. You say staff as biased yet come up with this gem:

Only if they bring back Franko and not that non savoury bakery similar cupcake without icing fella.

Explain to me, why do you want to bring a demoted staff member back who broke the rules, but then complain when others say the same? If you are going to make an argument maybe make sure it doesn't leak as much as a nun walking by a construction site.
I think there is no staff issue and more of player issue I joined the server 2 days ago and played for 15 mins and my experience was like this
Crowbar a car get shot by a guy > Getting revived > Kill the guy that shot me > He makes a report why did he got shot > me try to explain to staff that he shot me > his 2 friends try to get revenge by shooting my car > Me kills 2 of his friends > 2 friends making report why did I killed them > Staff asking why did I killed them and I explain that they shot at my car > Staff saying all good > me wasted 30 mins to wait to log out the server cause dumb players reports
@Speedy is right, the root cause i would say is mostly due to the sheer player count and inexperience of members.

When it comes to staff numbers, here’s my take…

It’s really important to remember, life happens.

It’s the summer holidays in many countries which means a high player count, with it being school kids it normally means more rule breaks due to maturity.

However, this is also the time of year that life happens. Whether it be holidays, weddings or simply needing a break from PERP, which is okay for staff members to need too.

We are lucky we are part of a community where the staff are not expected to put PERP first, but, the SMT truly understand the importance of life.

Whilst others have already raised this, it’s really important to stress that there are some staff members absolutely working their bullocks off, they will likely not have had a chance to RP properly in months.

I’m okay to share that sadly I am not one of those staff members. I like many others have an inactivity notice. I currently have no PC due to moving. I’m hoping I will get this sorted soon, but as I keep saying, life comes first.

There are many other staff members who are on inactivity notices, all for real life things that have to be respected.

This week is the last week of summer holidays in the UK which likely means are more controlled player count with much more ‘normal’ peak times. It will also tie in with staff members not being on holiday etc.
Calling Jack biased is like calling the pope a muslim. If anything he is right, the fact you are still showing the achievement about being caught by Bolli shows you really haven't changed a lot.

Also I don't think I have ever read something as hypcritical as the bullshit you spit out. You say staff as biased yet come up with this gem:

Explain to me, why do you want to bring a demoted staff member back who broke the rules, but then complain when others say the same? If you are going to make an argument maybe make sure it doesn't leak as much as a nun walking by a construction site.
You say “Caught” as though it was a massive case, I get teleported to hospital roof and told that, barely get a word out and before I can fully plead my case I’m teleported away. Not only that but that was over a year ago and it’s a way for me to reflect and look back on how bad I was.

I’m right in saying that an organisation comprised of many staff members, who all knowingly rule break, will be willing show bias
And defend one another should they run into trouble or be accused. I can think back to one incident where we were being targeted by a certain staff member and he raids with a group and shows how blatant his metagaming he is, and as soon as I make an f6 on it (I wasn’t aware he was staff at that time) he responds instantly denying me, seems like corruption…….

It’s a shame it’s hard to purvey sarcasm on mobile without the emojis :D

Yet nobody is perfect and shall no longer feed the blatant argument bait. May we all let the thread die :insert praying hands emoji:
You say “Caught” as though it was a massive case, I get teleported to hospital roof and told that, barely get a word out and before I can fully plead my case I’m teleported away. Not only that but that was over a year ago and it’s a way for me to reflect and look back on how bad I was.

I’m right in saying that an organisation comprised of many staff members, who all knowingly rule break, will be willing show bias
And defend one another should they run into trouble or be accused. I can think back to one incident where we were being targeted by a certain staff member and he raids with a group and shows how blatant his metagaming he is, and as soon as I make an f6 on it (I wasn’t aware he was staff at that time) he responds instantly denying me, seems like corruption…….

It’s a shame it’s hard to purvey sarcasm on mobile without the emojis :D

Yet nobody is perfect and shall no longer feed the blatant argument bait. May we all let the thread die :insert praying hands emoji:
@Speedy is right, the root cause i would say is mostly due to the sheer player count and inexperience of members.

When it comes to staff numbers, here’s my take…

It’s really important to remember, life happens.

It’s the summer holidays in many countries which means a high player count, with it being school kids it normally means more rule breaks due to maturity.

However, this is also the time of year that life happens. Whether it be holidays, weddings or simply needing a break from PERP, which is okay for staff members to need too.

We are lucky we are part of a community where the staff are not expected to put PERP first, but, the SMT truly understand the importance of life.

Whilst others have already raised this, it’s really important to stress that there are some staff members absolutely working their bullocks off, they will likely not have had a chance to RP properly in months.

I’m okay to share that sadly I am not one of those staff members. I like many others have an inactivity notice. I currently have no PC due to moving. I’m hoping I will get this sorted soon, but as I keep saying, life comes first.

There are many other staff members who are on inactivity notices, all for real life things that have to be respected.

This week is the last week of summer holidays in the UK which likely means are more controlled player count with much more ‘normal’ peak times. It will also tie in with staff members not being on holiday etc.
Understand this completely, and like I've said it's perfectly reasonable for staff members to have inactivity for whatever reasons they may have and this is in no way a criticism of current staff. However, the server doesn't just pause and there needs to be someone available to fill in for the inactivity notices at one of the peak times of the year.

I feel this is a repeating problem on this thread: nobody is actually addressing my point and is instead addressing a point that was never made. I agree that some staff members are just not being allowed to roleplay and it's not fair, which is exactly the reason I made the thread.

A lot of staff members are demotivated because of a current system failure that hasn't been repaired for an alarming amount of time, many staff members are very demotivated or have resigned due to mistreatment/ungratefulness from specific individuals, many staff members are burnt out due to being the only one on to do anything at any given point and therefore essentially rotate in & out of being the only person propping up the server to avoid total anarchy, and yet some still persist. Simply due to their desire to help the community, they persist, and as recompense they are left in the exact same position with the exact same mistreatment and lack of gratefulness. The exact same lack of additional incentive. The exact same fabricated notions against them in an effort to demonise a perceived enemy by certain individuals at the top of the hierarchy. The exact same prioritisation of personal interest at the cost of the standards of the community. It's just a horribly unfair position to be in to be a staff member right now, but still certain individuals at the top are not willing to adapt or let go of personal gripes to potentially lessen the load. Really sad to see.
Understand this completely, and like I've said it's perfectly reasonable for staff members to have inactivity for whatever reasons they may have and this is in no way a criticism of current staff. However, the server doesn't just pause and there needs to be someone available to fill in for the inactivity notices at one of the peak times of the year.

I feel this is a repeating problem on this thread: nobody is actually addressing my point and is instead addressing a point that was never made. I agree that some staff members are just not being allowed to roleplay and it's not fair, which is exactly the reason I made the thread.

A lot of staff members are demotivated because of a current system failure that hasn't been repaired for an alarming amount of time, many staff members are very demotivated or have resigned due to mistreatment/ungratefulness from specific individuals, many staff members are burnt out due to being the only one on to do anything at any given point and therefore essentially rotate in & out of being the only person propping up the server to avoid total anarchy, and yet some still persist. Simply due to their desire to help the community, they persist, and as recompense they are left in the exact same position with the exact same mistreatment and lack of gratefulness. The exact same lack of additional incentive. The exact same fabricated notions against them in an effort to demonise a perceived enemy by certain individuals at the top of the hierarchy. The exact same prioritisation of personal interest at the cost of the standards of the community. It's just a horribly unfair position to be in to be a staff member right now, but still certain individuals at the top are not willing to adapt or let go of personal gripes to potentially lessen the load. Really sad to see.

What gripes are being held at the top?

I don’t mind discussing this on an open forum or you can DM me privately with your concerns.
I haven't really noticed a lack of response from staff while playing, in fact whenever I make a report it gets dealt with fairly quickly. The reports system works as long as the reporting party provides enough information. 99% of the reports I make are 1 short paragraph, and generally within 1 or 2 replies from the responding staff member the offender is dealt with.

That said I don't report people very often so I may not be a very good representative example, this is just my experience. I really don't think there's any reason to panic and for god's sake don't make @dog staff again he left me frozen in PD parking for 15 minutes.
I’m just saying if we gave people chances instead of denying them for “not being active in the discord or forums” we wouldn’t have these problems.

Or just other stupid reasons
While I agree they need to hire some people they may be uncomfortable with to expand their horizons, you also don't want them letting retards have staff positions who punish people for the wrong things. You'd cry a lot more about that, than if your report just wasn't taken... Plus both of us came from the same community, that did exactly that, and you saw what happened to it... lol
It's absurd that you are the one to make these points, you have 2 bans for metagaming, which means you were willing to continue breaking the rules despite being punished for it before and in one of said bans you were metagaming with your friend to give him a gun so he can MassRDM. You also boast in your signature about how you had to be told to stop mugging sweater were you averaged mugging 2 new players a day. Had anyone but you made these points I wouldn't reply as it is their place to think that way, but I'd argue that your ban record and signature is evidence that you are nothing but toxic and harmful to the community. You're just being a hypocrite who wants to disagree with people for the sake of an argument.

