Staff members; Report Count

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IKEA - Northern Europe
As everyone who actively plays on the server at the moment the server has a decline of staff members, not just as of that there are not a lot of staff members left on the ship but also staff members being inactive and not giving a damn about it because they simply; "can be staff members" without any pressure on them.

Let's use moderator @Mango as an example as he was on the server earlier today explaining how he was a staff member but he didn't have to be active but yet he complained about senior staff members not doing anything? Mango is user boston in this conversation

now don't get me wrong, I think that Mango is a great staff member when he is active but from what I see in this message he just doesn't care at the moment.

Now what I heard from another staff member was that things have changed a lot since I myself was a staff member, when I was a staff member and you didn't do enough reports you would literally be spoken to if you didn't do enough reports two weeks in a row; which was the best system that existed; This meant that those who wanted to be staff to help the server had to stay active and actively play the server, those who werent got demoted and those who didn't care at all essentially resigned or got demoted.

Apparently now it doesn't even matter (ACCORDING TO A STAFF MEMBER I WAS TALKING TO THIS WEEKEND)

Now please, I understand if you can't demote everyone for not doing reports but atleast put some pressure on them and accept people who you know will be active on the server if they apply.
You're taking it out of context, Mango resigned because the SA refused to ban the two people accused. Once they got banned he got given moderator back.
Stop trying to take this out of context
I do my report count which is about average and barely play for that week. It's not that I don't do nothing at all but I'm still inactive due to my frequency playing
You're acting like you also didn't vanish for prolonged periods of time as staff...

But yes, the server is in dire need of a better lineup, as well as additional assistance. It's essentially in shambles.
When I was a staff member even when I went inactive I had more reports than most of the other staff members and if I came on during those times I barely roleplayed, I only joined to do reports. That shows why I had 3,5k reports when I got demoted.
you're right about me not caring less, because I really don't and I am already contemplating resigning and speaking to SA. But a lot of the staff team has the same attitude at the minute and I don't think that's going to change anytime soon
However, I am not saying that I was a better staff member than any of the current ones. What I'm saying is that they should have pressure on them to do reports and not the senior staff team slacking. Read the full post and not just the part where I have a picture of mango saying something.
I liked how it used to be, getting a message from @MoronPipllyd used to put enough pressure on you to step up your report count or think about why you aren't achieving the average. I don't know if they are still posted publically in staff discussion but this also kept me on top of reports as I didn't want to look shit infront of other staff members. If they aren't 'public' in the sense that other staff can see them then they certainly should be.