I'm just gonna throw around some figures:
During the past 10 hours the queue server has been up, 259 people have left the server (and hence given a slot to someone from the queue server).
This makes an average waiting duration of 140 seconds per slot, disregarding people who leave while being on the queue server.
Out of the 259 people who got to join the server, 21 were staff who got to cut the queue.
Now I don't think 21/259 is a ratio that is even worth talking about (~8%) while the benefit of getting more staff on the server is very obvious and probably much higher. You simply can't always moan about how staff aren't doing reports and then turn around and shame them for getting on the server more easily to do your reports.
Let's face it, the real issue isn't that staff get to cut the queue, you just overreact to it because someone got to skip the queue.
The biggest issue is that there's too many people who are trying to join.
Even without staff skipping in queue it would take you ~45 minutes to join when you are in the 20th place of the queue, which is frankly not acceptable.
Now when people are mentioning how they always got a slot within 10 minutes before the queue server was up you have to realize what that means. Clearly, as I said before, the queue server hasn't brought more players to the server so I'd argue the rate players try and join stayed the same. If you get in quickly it means that you literally skipped the queue. Someone else who was also trying to get in (and probably already waited longer) now has to wait even longer. The only difference is that in these instances the "victims" can't see the people who cut in line.
The facts are that we know know we'd at least need a 110 slot server to satisfy all of the demand during peak times. Unfortunately Increasing the slots isn't a viable option as the server is already laggy enough as it is.
This means that there's not many options left:
- Go back to what it was
- Open up a second server with all of its really bad implications such as splitting the community
- keep the queue server
Even I don't really know what to do at this point unfortunately.
Now let's get from the facts to some replies:
Some if not most players have lost respect for the staff team for various reasons.[...]I could go off on a tangent and rant about how the staff team need to start listening to the community etc but I want to avoid fuhrer issues.
This is just populist nonsense. There's not a single thread on the forums that I can see talking about how the staff team needs to start listening to the community. But of course it's always the same people bashing the staff team for whatever bad things are going on in the community without providing
ANYTHING of substance.
I could go on about how especially you would just use any opportunity to bash on staff regardless of how irrational your argument actually is. And every time you then get asked for any evidence or even solutions you fail to deliver even the slightest hint of rationality.
Have you thought about the
bystander effect?
The bystander effect does not apply here at all here as it's to do with risking your life or fucking up in front of many other people. Furthermore it's not very wise throw around these links without having any evidence to back it up or even understanding what they are.
However this only further segregates the community, turning everyone against each other, which is not what we need.
This isn't a country where everyone is equal. Staff are obviously not equal to you as they have a lot more power and duties.