Starting to play a bit more now.

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I havent been playing an awful lot this past 2 months because I've been in school and just had other things to do. But now I'll try to be more active and I hope that will help a bit with the problem that people seem to have that their reports arent being answered quick enough. However I'd like to remind you that admins are players aswell and we need to be able to play sometimes. Like me I have a lot of playtime and I'm broke as hell because I never get to go into any roleplay situations or grow or anything of the sort because I'm always looking for rulebreakers or handling reports.
And for the people who seem to feel like their reports don't get answered at all it might be that you just say ''admin to me'' or keep asking for an admin in the OOC, because admins don't really watch the OOC for reports because its hard to keep a track of what everyone is trying to say in the OOC so please just use /report, it shows up much clearer and we can just teleport straight to you and help you with your problem.