Discussion Post: https://perpheads.com/threads/static-unit-numbers-for-police.23094/
Main Idea: Each white listed police officer will get a three digit number as his/ her ID or unit number
Full description of the idea:
When someone first reaches the rank of Senior Officer, they will be assigned a three digit number that will be their unit (badge) number. This would be their ID. Instead of saying "Officer Frost to Sergeant blah blah" It would be "Unit 237 this is Unit 239" This number will follow the Officer through his or her enforcement career. Maybe even replace the [Senior Officer] tag during a radio communication with [Unit Number]. You could go about this two ways. OPTION 1: Every officer will have a number (assigned in order of seniority) and it will remain the same always. OPTION 2: The number will change with each promotion. Example:
100-199 = Chiefs/ Captains [Unit 100] Steven Arnott
200-299 = Lieutenants [Unit 204] Xhantium Harper
300-399 = Sergeants [Unit 327] Lee Baca
400-499 = Corporals [Unit 432] Tim Meijer
500-599 = Senior Officers [Unit 501] Logan Frost
In my city, every officer has a unit number, so typical communication would be like this:
"Dispatch, Unit 249 10-98 action 8"
"Unit 248, unit 346, 10-20?
This works very well where I live.
Why should it be added?: Would communication on the radio (without dispatcher) much shorter and more simple. It would also make creating IA reports much easier because you would just need that officer's badge number
Would make passive police role play more realistic
Would assist citizens when making complaints ie "What is your badge number?"
Allow units to communicate with one another if there is no dispatcher online with more realism.
It would take time to implement because all current employee's would have to get numbers.
*Other additions: [list here]
Main Idea: Each white listed police officer will get a three digit number as his/ her ID or unit number
Full description of the idea:
When someone first reaches the rank of Senior Officer, they will be assigned a three digit number that will be their unit (badge) number. This would be their ID. Instead of saying "Officer Frost to Sergeant blah blah" It would be "Unit 237 this is Unit 239" This number will follow the Officer through his or her enforcement career. Maybe even replace the [Senior Officer] tag during a radio communication with [Unit Number]. You could go about this two ways. OPTION 1: Every officer will have a number (assigned in order of seniority) and it will remain the same always. OPTION 2: The number will change with each promotion. Example:
100-199 = Chiefs/ Captains [Unit 100] Steven Arnott
200-299 = Lieutenants [Unit 204] Xhantium Harper
300-399 = Sergeants [Unit 327] Lee Baca
400-499 = Corporals [Unit 432] Tim Meijer
500-599 = Senior Officers [Unit 501] Logan Frost
In my city, every officer has a unit number, so typical communication would be like this:
"Dispatch, Unit 249 10-98 action 8"
"Unit 248, unit 346, 10-20?
This works very well where I live.
Why should it be added?: Would communication on the radio (without dispatcher) much shorter and more simple. It would also make creating IA reports much easier because you would just need that officer's badge number
Would make passive police role play more realistic
Would assist citizens when making complaints ie "What is your badge number?"
Allow units to communicate with one another if there is no dispatcher online with more realism.
It would take time to implement because all current employee's would have to get numbers.
*Other additions: [list here]
