Stepping down

Code Monkey

Communication Banned
Reaction score
Hey guys, after a long thought I have decided to step down from Moderator due to IRL responsibilities. I don't ever want to be known as the staff member that went inactive and stayed staff as I feel it is unfair to the staff team. I may come back later when I have more time but for now, farewell good friends :). I have loved everyone around here... even the democrats.... sometimes... big shout out to @Dom_ for being a great friend and mentor on the staff team, @Husky for being one of my lifelong friends, @Aquaa for being a great friend as well, @LEWIS 088 for helping me out on the staff team and being a great mentor, @Collier and @Bolli for giving my toxic ass a chance, @Fredy for being a good friend and having as a hamburger eating partner, @Cole for training me and having someone to look up to. I am more than impressed with our new administration team including @blackdown and @flugs. You guys were great to grow with on the team and I am sure you will do great things.... if I failed to mention you sorry... but for now, farewell my friends.
Sad to see you step down sir, just as Biden is sworn in?!?!?! You must be a trump supporter!

Anyways, good luck with your future endeavors and I hope to see you on with us soon!
Sad to see you go code monkey! I miss you threatening to mug me in the back of a bazaar shop (please don't). Thanks for everything you've done :)
Had a lot of fun with you in the staff team and in Olsen and I’m gonna miss your personality within the staff team! I know life has bigger plans for you and all but I’m glad you’re still sticking around as helper! Thanks for all the fun times :) See you around!
Shame to see you go Code Monkey, you definitely brought some interesting RP scenarios to the server... shooting up farm that one time. But we don't talk about that. Best of luck on whatever you move onto in the future and hopefully you return at some point.
It's very sad to see this happen but I am certain that you made the right decision. I am glad that I was able to work alongside you in the staff team and wish you all the best for whatever life has in stock for you! Stay awesome and remember Trump 2024 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Although i don't really know you that well, sad to see you go, good luck in the future! You'll be remembered as the guy that mugged and shot up the car show at farm!
Always been on on and off terms with you :D. glad you took the pick of stepping down have a good one chief!
ps. Buy a new tesla
We didn't have the best relationship but you are an amazing person to be around. Good luck with your personal life and I'll see you around when he is old enough to play games.

Don't let him mug a car show though.